Twilight's Children is a Dungeons & Dragons
campaign, in the Ravenloft Campaign Setting published, until recently, by
Arthaus. This site was made (in
Vim) primarily to keep
track of what happened in each session because we don't play that often,
and it's good to remember details so the DM can use them against the
players when they least expect it. :)
The DM and webmaster is Ron Laufer. We
use 3rd Edition d20 rules with a few house rules. The campaign is heavily
character driven, with the emphasis on mystery, puzzles and role-playing, but
not neglecting combat totally. The adventures are about 50% original and
50% published modules, but the modules have been significantly adapted so
that hopefully the seams don't show much. Inspiration has also been drawn
from the netbooks and message boards at
and the Ravenloft Mailing List at
(Players: please refrain from
following those links. :) )
The name Twilight's Children was chosen because the three starting
players each coincidentally came up with a character concept that included at
least one mysterious (and dead) parent or mentor. The search for the truth
about these parents is the driving force of campaign and the motivation for most
of what the characters have done either directly or indirectly. The
previous name, Sons of Twilight had to be abandoned with the arrival of
Kerri, who also had two mysterious and dead parents of her own.
Sons and Daughter of Twilight didn't have the same ring to it. The
campaign has also been known at various times as Ron's Unnamed Ravenloft
Campaign and Journey of Orphans.
Three of the characters,
Ludovic, and
Leif, met in Port-a-lucine,
Dementlieu, and were soon joined in Karina, Invidia by
Kerri. Those four have formed the
core of the group, being joined off and on by
Suriana, and Gavin. Their travels
have thus far led them through the lands of Dementlieu, Mordent, Borca,
Falkovnia, Richmulot, Invidia, Barovia, Kartakass, Gundarak, Lamordia,
and Darkon.
We hope other people enjoy reading about our adventures too, and perhaps find inspiration for their campaigns.

Duffy Carpatello
Leif Shadowlands
Kerri Storer
Jerrard of the Closed Fist
Suriana Hestmand