Twilight's Children

Session 5, 8/1/03-8/3/03



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WARNING: The DM's Commentary contains spoilers for future sessions. However, all the spoilers in this particular commentary have been revealed ingame by Session 13. If you are one of the players, it is safe to read. If you are spoiler-sensitive, and have not yet read up to the Session 13 journal, please hide the commentary now.

Friday, April 7th, BC (Barovian Calendar) 730
Karina, Invidia

Kerri, Ludovic, Leif, and Duffy return to the Clock's Tick after the harrowing dogfights and try to get some sleep. But at 4 AM by the moonlit face of Goldfinger's clock, they are awakened by an insistent member of the town guard named Jerrard.

New PC Jerrard. The DM of our previous non-Ravenloft campaign, mentioned in Session 3's Commentary, happened to be in town and was able to play with us this Session. He and I designed Jerrard as a pseudo-NPC in that he had a built-in excuse for joining the party, a simple backstory, and a built-in excuse for leaving the party whenever it became necessary, since we knew he wouldn't always be able to play with us. Unlike Kerri, I felt no need to work Jerrard's backstory into the main plot. It's worth noting that Ludovic's player was unable to make the session at the last minute. Rather than writing him out of the plot for the session, he agreed to let Jerrard's player play Ludovic as well. You may or may not notice that Ludovic stays mostly in the background for this session as a result.
Jerrard wakes Leif first, who isn't sure whether to trust him, and takes him to the other room, where he can meet the others and where they can talk without waking baby Nikko. Raul turns in his sleep and wakes up... Leif tells him that he'd return soon. Concerned about Nikko, Raul asks if they could go to the Vulpwood.
Just a quick reminder to the players in case they forgot about the Vulpwood clue sinces last session.
Leif promises to go soon and tells him to please stay safe.

Jerrard tells them he is a friend of Johan's, and that they are in danger, because the investigations at the Citadel have been called off, and all manpower diverted to capturing the escapees, including them.

Malocchio has reasserted his hold over the Citadel, and is furious about the jailbreak.
Worse, Johan went into the Maze to recapture a normally well-behaved thief named Tharn Valeris, and never returned.
Not sure where I got the name Tharn (possibly The Everchanging Book of Names, (a valuable DM resource)) but Valeris comes from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.
He doesn't know who else he can trust at the Citadel, so he asks the party to go into the Maze with him in search of Johan.
I added this little side-trek for a few reasons. First, I needed a reason for Jerrard to join them, so having Johan disappear, with the party being the only trustworthy allies for Jerrard, seemed to fit. Second, it was a somewhat natural outcome and follow-up to the jail full of convicts breaking out. Third, it allowed me to further use the Midnight Slasher and to demonstrate that she wasn't just "harmlessly" killing Falkovnians and other bad guys. By having her kill Johan, I was able to further showcase her insanity and warped motivations before the final confrontation. And lastly, it gave a reason to visit The Maze, which would be an ideal location for Vir's mugging victim to be found.
Leif asks why he is unaffected by the spell unlike the other guards, but he doesn't know.
Nothing sinister. Just a (DM-forced) successful Will save.
They agree to meet him at noon, at the museum inside Town Hall.

To feel a bit safer, they move to Silver Star for the rest of the night, using Duffy and Giselle's rooms. Duffy notes that someone has been in Giselle's room, because the dress there is a different one than last time.

A hint that "Giselle" wasn't captured by anyone and that she is freely roaming the town.
Leif keeps watch while everyone else catches a few hours of sleep. In the morning, Kerri goes out to get some makeup to disguise everyone a bit, and costumes, so they can blend in a bit with the crowds. Duffy specifically requests a purple costume and mask with feathers. Too late, Leif finds some makeup in Giselle's room, which he gives to Kerri for future use.

That morning Leif's shoulder erupts, nearly knocking him out.

Mummy Rot!
After his attempts to avoid the subject fail, he reluctantly agrees to let Kerri try to treat it, although he maintains that, "It's nothing." The group sleeps for the rest of the morning and then heads out to meet Jerrard at the museum. In the shadowed entryway, Nerim Santino, the curator of the museum, pokes his head out and invites them in, but they politely refuse, because they are waiting for Jerrard's imminent arrival. Before leaving them, the curator remarks that Leif reminds him of a painting of Knightshade, a local hero, in the museum. He offers free admission to the museum to the group if they want to see the painting.
I was perhaps pushing the Knightshade angle a bit too obviously and clumsily, but I thought it was important to give the group's front-line tank a magic weapon he would actually use sooner rather than later. I also wanted to introduce the Knights of the Shadows, since Leif was designed with that Prestige Class in mind. For Leif's part, he didn't see any good reason to go looking at a painting when more important matters were pressing. This moment teaches a good lesson for DMs, however. Writing a campaign is not like writing a story or a movie. You can give a character information, but you can't give them motivation. You can try to predict their motivations, but if the player sees it differently, there's not much you can do about it. If this were a movie, I would've set up the shot to match Leif's pose to the painting, and no doubt, Leif would've been intrigued enough to take a look without the world forcing him.

When Jerrard arrives a few minutes after twelve, instead of his guard uniform, he is decked out in full plate with bastard sword and shield. He explains that he is Jerrard of the Closed Fist, a knight in training who is working for the guard temporarily.

Jerrard's full name was lifted from a pretty terrible, although cool sounding, Magic: the Gathering card.
Before leaving, they decide to ask the curator if he has a map of The Maze, and he leads them through the museum and past several historical documents and paintings.
As mentioned, Jerrard was a pseudo-NPC, so I planted him with some info about the museum to help me guide Leif inside.
One, dated 503, shows the clocktower being built. On the way, Nerim points out the Knightshade exhibit. He leaves them there and goes off to get the map. Inside are several paintings dated in the 650's, and a mannequin of Knightshade wearing his armor and holding his staff.
Knightshade was Karina's Knight of the Shadows a hundred years ago, and this is our first hint of that organization. The picture is based on the Knight of the Shadows prestige class example drawing from Van Richten's Arsenal. In photoshop, I replaced his sword with a staff. He owes no small amount of inspiration to Batman.
The paintings show Knightshade in several situations, such as: Knightshade vs. several ruffians, Knightshade vs. a man in a dark cloak, and Knightshade hanging from a rooftop. The final painting shows him slain by several large wolves. The plaque reads, "The Death of Knightshade, 652BC. Knightshade takes his final trip to the Land of Shadows."
A bit of blurred legend confusing Knightshade's yearly pilgrimage to the Shadowlands with some sort of afterlife.
Leif has a momentary thought of how similar his last name is to this location but shrugs it off to deal with more pressing matters.

Soundtrack for Knightshade Manikin Exhibit and Battle:
Caliban - Dark Shadows
Orbital - Event Horizon
As Ludovic inspects the mannequin, it turns to look at him. The door slams shut and the mannequin attacks.
I statted this out as a medium-size animated object.
During the fight, it seems to fixate on Leif, and flourish its staff in increasingly complicated patterns, that Leif matches with his own. Jerrard disarms the mannequin with a shield bash, and the staff lands at Leif's feet. The mannequin nods, and collapses.
The remnants of Knightshade's spirit "sees" something in Leif that indicates he could become a Knight of the Shadows, and passes on his staff, a +1/+1 Defending Quarterstaff of Protection (dedicated to the KoS). This was before Weapons of Legacy, but the Protection quality in Van Richten's Arsenal is very nice to allow a weapon to grow with the character, if you know that he is "destined" to join the Protected organization in the future.
The curator arrives and gets quite irate about the commotion and gunsmoke. Kerri manages to convince him that Duffy was smoking and that she accidentally knocked the mannequin over.
Successful Bluff Check. Early in her career, "sweet innocent Kerri" often found herself smoothing out trouble caused by the "mischievous boys." As the character has grown more experienced and confident, she seems to have taken to making her own trouble and then getting herself out of it. ;)
They put the mannequin back, replacing the staff with Leif's. They notice an insignia on his armor, a sun in a nearly total eclipse.
The symbol of the Knights of the Shadows.

Jerrard looks over the map with Nerim, and Nerim goes to put it back, but on the way, Duffy "borrows" it from him, replacing it with another old document from one of the cases.

Successful Pick Pockets check.
Outside, Jerrard sees the map and an argument ensues. Eventually Duffy gives in and allows Jerrard to return the map to the old man.
This moment illustrates an issue I've wrestled a bit with both as a player and a DM. It's not uncommon for characters to have conflicting motivations, especially when "goody-two-shoes" characters like Paladins and other Lawful Good people get into a party with "scoundrel" or "mischievous" style characters, (or worse, dark or anti-heroic characters). And it's a good thing for role-playing, character building, and fun. At first. We all know that everyone's just playing their character and it's not personal. But when two characters have a completely polar conflict, and the players are role-playing their characters well, there are only two outcomes. Either the characters come to blows (which nearly happened here) or one of the characters gives in, even if it compromises their character, so that we can move on in the game. Neither of those outcomes is ideal, in my opinion, and I'm not sure what the DM can do about it, other than interrupt with a random encounter and hope they put aside the conflict. Another case where what works in fiction doesn't work in a game. (What would the Pippin/Gandalf relationship have been like if Pippin had the same amount of power (level), authority, and confidence as Gandalf? Why does Superman always seem to "look the other way" when he's teamed up with Batman? because the story requires it.)
Then, at about 12:30, they leave for the Maze, to look for Valeris's wife, a weaver.

Soundtrack for Mrs. Valeris's Shop:
A Simple Plan Soundtrack - Tracks In the Snow
In the twisting streets of the Maze, they find the weaver's shop, next to a blacksmith who Jerrard knows. The shop is closed, so while Jerrard talks to the blacksmith and Kerri and Leif search out back, Duffy "examines" the lock until it opens. He and Ludovic enter, and search the shop, which seems like Mrs. Valeris left in a hurry.
Because her husband came in and she rushed home with him out of happiness.
Kerri notices a trickle of blood from a nearby alleyway, and following it, discovers a body in a pool of blood. She calls for help, and Duffy and Ludovic exit the back door of the shop, just as Jerrard comes around the smithy.

Soundtrack for finding the body:
Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place (Vir's Theme) ("Utopia mix")
Kerri sees the body is wearing a crumpled, black feathered mask. Jerrard removes the mask, revealing the man's face, crushed as though by a giant fist. Kerri and Jerrard are frozen by this horrific display, and Leif and Duffy are fearstruck by the horror and run from the scene as panic grips their hearts.
Some failed horror checks. I have to keep better track of these. I always forget the lingering effects.
Lud manages to remain composed, and covers the body with a sheet borrowed from the blacksmith. He also searches the body and finds a pouch containing 50 gold pieces. It seems as though there are several sockets where jewels must have been mounted on the mask, but it has been picked clean.
By Vir, for sustenance.
Leif recognizes the bloody boot tracks that lead toward the north of town. Only one man with feet that large runs that fast: Vir Stannum. Jerrard leaves an anonymous note with the blacksmith to inform the town guard about the murder, and they follow the smith's directions to Valeris's house.

Soundtrack for The Valeris House:
A Simple Plan Soundtrack - Tracks In the Snow
Tharn's wife answers the door. She denies seeing her husband, but Jerrard thinks she's harboring him, and forces his way in.
Successful Sense Motive check.
Tharn is there, cooperative, but spooked, and reluctant to talk. Eventually he admits that Johan came to get him, and he went willingly, (although his son, Little Hans, was crying) but when they reached the back of the house... something happened that he won't talk about.
What happened is that the Midnight Slasher saw Hans crying and her warped sense of justice saw only Johan breaking up a family like Gabrielle destroyed hers. So she brutally murdered him.
The party looks in back, and find Johan's body. He has ragged slashes in his neck, and he is tied to a storm drain by his white sash of office. On the white plaster wall is written in blood:

"Let those who live in filth tremble
Let those who walk the streets weep
Let those who hurt the children die"

The poem is from the Slasher's Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium, vol II writeup.

Jerrard is nauseated at seeing his friend mutilated in such horrific fashion. (Were the others horrified too?)

Failed horror check.
Tharn's family knows nothing about the dead man behind their shop. Mrs. Valeris left in a hurry because her husband had returned from jail one year early. Jerrard advises Tharn to stay there while the strange happenings among the guard are sorted out. At 5 PM, after resting at Tharn's for a bit, the group leaves for the Pale Rose Inn.

Soundtrack for The Pale Rose Inn:
Silent Hill - Tears of Pain (Cynthia's Theme)
Scar is there, and says that Cynthia left, and he's glad she did. She was always too emotional. She let her feelings for Erik override her common sense. Said she'd probably head east, but wasn't sure.
At the time, I wasn't sure when or where I'd use Cynthia next, but I knew I wanted to head to Barovia next, and also that I eventually wanted Cynthia to find Conrad, who was in Krezk.
She kept mumbling about a mist or something. Erik's death probably sent her over the edge. Duffy and Lud search her room, paying Scar 5 gold scandals for the privilege, but it's empty. Scar offers Kerri a job in his gang, but she refuses.

The group stops by to see The Engineer before leaving town to say goodbye. They learn a bit about Knightshade from him. He was a local hero, always saving the weak, and never taking any credit or reward, disappearing into the night. Legend says that he made a yearly pilgrimage to "the Land of Shadows." When he was killed by wolves in The Vulpwood, he turned out to be son of a local noble. They ask him if Vir came to see him. He did, but the Engineer was scared and didn't answer the door. (Did they talk about anything else??)

I believe the group told Vir something about The Engineer (possibly a bit cryptically) during their chat in the jail. If not, we can assume he was able to decipher something about the Engineer from the stolen journal. Or, perhaps just looked at the giant clock and figured it would be a good place for info on a mysterious clockmaker.

At 6 PM they go to the Citadel, for information on the Midnight Slasher. While the others wait outside at a safe distance, looking inconspicuous, Jerrard tries to get into the records office, but the guards are uncooperative. Sensing they are acting charmed, he tries to surreptitiously knock them out of it, but fails. Duffy dances a bit.

This seeming non sequitur was just the result of me checking back on the others after staying with Jerrard for a bit. I asked, "What are the rest of you doing outside, and Duffy's Player (who, as you may recall, requested a flamboyant purple party costume) said with a flourish, "I'm dancing!"
The High Captain arrives and attempts to convince him to leave.
Under Malocchio's influence, like the others.
Jerrard hits him with his shield, which seems to anger him. Before he can react, Jerrard sees a six-fingered hand on his shoulder and suddenly finds himself by the docks.
Malocchio, of course, just sending the troublemaker of the way. He's too busy consolidating his control over the guard to waste more time on a more permanent solution to the Jerrard problem.
He hurries back to the Citadel, collects his horse and donkey from the stable and meets up with the others.

Together, they go to the Laughing Maiden to meet Matton at 8 PM.

Picture straight from the module.
When they see him, his face is covered in scratches and his arm is in a sling. He tells them that some of the crowd from the dogfights ambushed him, and he's unfortunately too hurt to go to Cliff House tonight.
True. The DM needed an excuse to delay Cliff House until after the Vistani visit in the Vulpwood. If I were running it again today, I probably would've just let them go, and either had Malocchio trounce them so they would have to retreat and get "help in the Vulpwood" or let them free Gabrielle and just split the Malocchio section of the climax off for later, even if it had to be somewhere else entirely.
They agree to go without him, and return Gabrielle to him. Kerri haggles for a reward of 1500 gold, half up front.
Successful Diplomacy check.
He shows them a locket with her portrait so they will recognize her. Kerri's suspicions are confirmed, as the face in the locket is the same as the woman known as Giselle!

I have no idea if lockets with portraits are an anachronism or not, and don't really care.

Outside, they see a very worried Raul, who tells Leif that Nikko has taken a turn for the worse. He is convinced that they should meet his people in the Vulpwood as soon as possible.

Plot hammer, to avoid going to Cliff House twice.
With this new urgency, they decide that Cliff House will have to wait. They tell Matton they will meet him tomorrow, and head outside of town to the Vulpwood.

Soundtrack for The Vulpwood:
Donnie Darko Soundtrack
Raul has a feeling he can't explain that leads him to his people. In the darkened woods, Leif hears what seems to be an injured animal following them, but they don't linger.
First appearance of Kukri, Leif's Animal Companion. He had just reached the level to get one and had chosen Wolf, so I waited for an appropriate time to work him in.
Soundtrack for Leyla:
Count of Monte Cristo Soundtrack - Introduction
The Great Kat - Sarasates Gypsy Violin Waltz
Off in a clearing, they see some light, and Raul is confused for a moment as to which way to go. In the clearing they find a gypsy wagon and a campfire. Raul is baffled, saying that it's his wagon, and his blacksmith tools are there, along with Nikko's cradle. But he last saw the wagon on an island up the river where he had to abandon it.
In the first part of the module, ran for a previous campaign, as explained in Session 3's Commentary.
A beautiful gypsy woman, Raul's dead wife Leyla, emerges from the wagon, and runs to embrace her baby. Leif grabs him away, but the woman's fingers pass through little Nikko, who goes into some kind of shock.
I converted Leyla to 3rd Edition as a Brd2/3rd magnitude ghost, with aura of despair, madness touch, aging touch, phantom shift, and paralyzing touch as salient abilities.

Duffy's bullets pass right through the ghost, but Ezra's Mercy and Knightshade's Staff hurt her, as do Lud's spells.

Ludovic discovers that the whole contents of the clearing are an illusion except for the ghost.
Successful Will save to disbelieve.
Kerri tends to the baby with a vial of quintessence while her countersong breaks the lethargy brought on by Leyla's voice.
countersong vs. a fascinate attempt by Leyla.
Unable to control himself, Raul pulls out the shattered remnants of his violin.
Although the original party from the prior campaign smashed the violin back in the opening scene of the module, I ruled that it was not destroyed completely enough to set her to rest, since her hair-strings were still intact. Burning them set her finally to rest.
Jerrard throws it in the fire at Ludovic's urging.(?) Then, realizing that it's only illusionary fire, Ludovic lights the violin. The party's enchanted weapons send the ghost to her final rest. As it is getting late, they spend the night in the clearing. That night during Leif's watch, a wounded and sickly wolf arrives, with a bite mark in its left ear. Leif talks to it, bandages it, and gives it some food.
And the group expands by one Animal Companion.

Saturday, April 8th, BC 730
Vulpwood, Invidia

Jerrard tries to heal the wolf with Leif's chalice, but it only allows him to do so once Leif indicates that it's safe. Upon leaving the clearing, they are startled by Vir, the Burly Man!

I think it was this appearance when Vir's picture and music alone were sufficient to make the players jump up and take notice.
Soundtrack for Confrontation with Vir:
Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place (Vir's Theme) (Extended mix)
Nine Inch Nails - A Warm Place (Vir's Theme) (Drum 'n' Bass Mix)
He says, "I knew I'd find you here, running away. You're just like he was, Merdufoni, always holding out on me, always depriving me of what I need most, of what should be mine!" Enraged that the Journal contains only nonsense, he attacks. Knives seem to jump from his left sleeve, and he punches with deadly strength.
The knives come from a spring-loaded dispenser in his left arm. In Session 13, this launcher is revealed to be an after-market custom addition.
Jerrard charges him at a full gallop, lance lowered, but the lance and all the party's others weapons seem to clang off the armor concealed under his clothes.
Jerrard was designed as a mounted knight, and has many of the mounted combat related feats and skills. Unfortunately, since this is mostly a town-based adventure, he didn't have much opportunity to flex those abilities aside from this combat. And when he finally did get to do some jousting, he was foiled by Vir's "armor," which was simply his natural armor and DR from being made of metal.
But Kerri(?) convinces him to calm down, and Duffy says that if they work together, they can figure out the journal. They talk.
I knew this talk would be important and didn't want to forget anything like I did with the last Vir conversation (in the jail last session.) So as an experiment, I recorded it on a tape. It worked, but I don't think I would do it again. I don't think any of us were as comfortable role-playing knowing we were being recorded. Maybe next time, I'll use a voice-recognition transcription program, it might be less intimidating.

As for the conversation itself, Vir was being relatively honest, if extremely evasive. I was very careful to word his responses as I did, which was very tough to do on the fly. In his opinion, Talos was a product of Gustav's twisted imagination, and quite honestly, building a mechanical man that runs on burning gems is pretty twisted. On top of that, Vir considers himself to be Vir, and Talos is just a dream Gustav had of how he was supposed to have turned out. He "never saw" Talos, because he is Talos. Eva is "just the same" because she doesn't exist outside of a story. He did kill the man in the Maze for his gems because he's got to survive, and needs "funds" (in the form of gems to burn to keep himself alive.) When he replies, "a father must do what must be done" to Leif, he's not answering the question about Eva, he's just continuing his thought about Gustav from the previous sentence. I kept the conversation going long enough for Vir to extract everything that the party had decoded from the journal and then let Vir flip out again.

But Vir flies into a rage again and beats Duffy into unconsciousness with both fists. Tendrils of black mist spring up from the ground to restrain Vir, and Jerrard attacks with his sword, shield and horse. The horse strikes the back of his head with a loud clang.
The first blatant hint that Vir is a machine. The players were a bit shocked.
Kerri and Leif work to heal Duffy. Ludovic makes a grab for the book, but the mists whisk Vir away, and he is gone.

The Ghost of Manfred Taige mutters to Ludovic, "So strange... Empty, with nothing inside. He definitely has possibilities..."

Note the exact same words that the spirits of the Mausoleum used to describe Vir back in Session 2. The "possibilities" Taige sees is Vir's potential to be a strong and intimidating leader for Invidia, if Taige can find a way to fill Vir's void of spirit with his own.
Ludovic asks for an explanation, but Taige will say no more.

At the edge of the clearing, they spot the gypsy who showed them the House of the Mists at the festival. He introduces himself as Vincenzo, and says only that he sent Vir far away. Leif comments "I guess you're 'the help we needed in the Vulpwood'?" referring to his earlier prediction in the center of town during festival. At this point, Leif notices that Nikko is starting to look a lot better, which makes him happy.

Setting his mother to rest has cured the baby's illness.
Soundtrack for The Zarovan camp:
Red Violin Soundtrack - Pope's Gypsy Cadenza
Vas - The Inward Coil
Red Violin Soundtrack - Gypsy Violin Darling Lily
Medieval Baebes - Ecci Mundi Gaudium
Vincenzo takes them to his camp, where they see a whole tribe of the Vistani. They are introduced to Madame Eva, the raunie of the tribe, an ancient woman in a green shawl with red fringes.
Picture from Ravenloft Gazetteer, vol. 1.
She already seems to know Lud, though. "Ludovishka...," she says, "Yes, I know your name, but not by the Sight. We Vistani are family after all. We met when you were too small to remember. Then we met again, but it hasn't happened yet for you."

Soundtrack for The Prastonata:
Hunchback of Notre Dame Soundtrack - Topsy Turvy (parts with lyrics edited out)
They are invited to watch the prastonata, a traditional dance by a beautiful girl named Gitana. She invites Duffy to join her, and he manages to not embarrass himself, and earn some applause.
Successful untrained Perform (Dance) check.

Afterwards, an ancient woman named Marcella leads the dorok, in which she shares the tale of a half-vistani named Gabrielle Aderre, and her mother Isabella. One night, Gabrielle set the warding circle around their camp improperly, and a werewolf broke through and killed Isabella. Instead of saving her, Gabrielle asked about the father she never knew. Isabella told her she was sold in Falkovnia as a slave to a cruel man who impaled peasants in front of his castle for fun. She escaped and was two months pregnant with Gabrielle. Gabrielle left her mother to die and Isabella cursed her saying, "May you know your child's betrayal and realize too late the depths of its evil!"

Gabrielle settled in Invidia and used many men as toys, charming them with her Evil Eye, always using Isabella's teachings in herbalism to prevent a pregnancy. But one day she fell in love, with a mysterious gentleman caller, and forsook Matton Blanchard, the only man who had truly loved her. Because Matton was secretly a wolfwere, not human, her spell to charm humans had no effect on him, but he loved her anyway. Matton turned into a wolf and attacked her new suitor. Gabrielle paralyzed Matton with her Evil Eye, and went off with her new love. But this mystery man was a demon, from the infernal depths, who had charmed her so thoroughly that she did not see his leathery wings. He left, saying she would only remember him as the handsome gentleman. From that union, an Abomination was born, a creature named Malocchio, the Dukkar, the six fingered boy.

I labored quite a while to get Gabby's convoluted backstory down to a reasonable length to present to the players without their eyes glazing over.

The vistani need help. Because of the Dukkar's vistani heritage, he is a invisible to their Sight.

It's a bit of an open mystery exactly what the limits of vistani Sight are. Is a raunie only blind to her own fate? Or are any vistani off limits? Is being invisible to the Sight a power of the Dukkar, or is it just because he has vistani blood? The relevant passage in Van Richten's guide to the Vistani can be read in both ways. I prefer to say that none with vistani blood can be foreseen via the Sight, but that does cause a lot more questions, like how the legend of the Dukkar was foretold in the first place, and how the Vistani here know Gabby's story, regarding both her mother and the Gentleman Caller. But if the Vistani can see Gabby in their sight, why do they need giorgios to find her?
So they need giorgios who can investigate in Karina unnoticed to find his lair. Luckily, the party already knows that Malocchio is holding Gabrielle at Cliff House, and tell Madame Eva so. She is pleased, and asks for their further assistance. They will craft a magic lock of binding to deprive him of most of his powers. Jerrard and Raul will forge the case, and Duffy can craft the lock mechanism.
The module has a sphere of binding, but I changed it to a lock to give my blacksmith and clocksmith PCs a part in its creation, and to make its form more thematically related to its function.
A vistana, named Philosh, will cast the enchantment into it.

In return, the vistani will cure Leif (who still believes it to be no big deal) and Duffy (who Eva reveals was infected with lycanthropy when he was bit by the werewolves.) The full cure takes a day to brew, but they do give Leif a temporary fix that will prevent his Mummy Rot from getting worse.

As mentioned in the previous commentary, Leif is tough enough to weather the Mummy Rot indefinitely. I decided I didn't like making mummy rot a chronic disease rather than terminal. It could be slowed by a high fortitude save, but I started to increase the DC gradually so that it couldn't be ignored.
She foresees that Leif will die before he reaches anyone else who can help. The party agrees.

While Jerrard, Raul, and Duffy work, and Duffy tries to get Philosh to enchant his guns, Eva talks to Leif. He learns that vistani experience time differently then giorgios, and that they only tell giorgios what they need to know, not what they want to know. When he asks, she reveals that she has been to Nidala. "It is a beautiful land," she says, "But suffers from a lack of appropriate leadership."

Foreshadowing! Wasn't ready to let all my Nidala secrets out, but I had to drop something.
She doesn't know yet where they'll go next. She takes him into her wagon, to read the Tarokka cards about his mother for him.
I did this Tarokka reading on the fly. I had just gotten the Arthaus version of the deck and was eager to try my fortune-telling skills. For the most part, the cards fell into perfect place, with The Beast representing either Banemaw or Elena's own nature, depending on how you look at it, and The Avenger certainly applying to Elena. The only part I struggled with was the Myrmidon. It suggested the introduction of a completely new character to me, one I hadn't originally planned on. Sometimes a random event like a tarokka reading can spur your imagination in different directions that you had planned. The character hasn't shown up yet, but should play a key role once we reach Nidala.
He gives her his brother's rock for inspection.

Seeing that he now has a powerful magic staff that is able to strike ghosts, Leif gives the kukri to Kerri. Kerri and Ludovic return to town to get supplies and tell Matton that they'll go to Cliff house in the morning, with the lock.

Sunday, April 9th, BC 730
Vulpwood, Invidia

Jerrard, Raul, and Duffy work through the day and night. And in the morning, the lock is complete. Philosh magically removes their fatigue and tells them the lock must touch Malocchio to work.

remove fatigue, apparently from The Book of Exalted Deeds, according to a web search, but I'm pretty sure I found it somewhere else, possibly in a Ravenloft book.
They meet Matton, and head to Cliff House. Deciding that Leif has the best chance of touching Malocchio, they give him the lock, and Lud magically enhances his abilities.
cat's grace, mage armor, and bear's endurance, I believe.

Soundtrack for Cliff House:
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Lost Painting
Castlevania 64 - Violin Theme
The Ninth Gate Soundtrack - Liana
At the approach to the estate, they are attacked by several giant ravens, descending from the trees. They kill the ravens, and Ludovic's magic knocks down two more that were flying off toward town.
As would be revealed later by Madame Eva, the ravens heading toward town were sent as a signal to get Malocchio's attention.
Duffy and Jerrard enter a pitch black barn, and see movement in the darkness. Duffy's gunblast illuminates the pile of human corpses in the barn, and enrages the giant wolves that were sleeping amongst them. They barely make it out alive.
One of my favorite Duffy moments. :)
The party decides not to risk any more sidetracking to investigate the vineyards or other outbuildings and they head straight for the manor house. They are welcomed by archers shooting at them from the upper windows. Rushing inside, they fight some of the town guards, and some mercenary looking toughs. Jerrard charges his horse up the stairs, but it falls through. Leif leaps to a balcony, and fights the guards upstairs. Matton searches the house for Gabrielle.

After a brief battle, Kerri ties the unconscious guards. Jerrard, Duffy, Kerri, and Matton search the downstairs, while Lud and Leif chase a guard that they saw pass toward the kitchen, deducing that he must have gone downstairs. Outside, Lud sees a black spot circling over the city of Karina.

One of the ravens that got away.
When the party regroups back in foyer, the guards they left tied up are dead. On the wall above the stairs is written in blood:

"You cannot hide from the shadows
You cannot run from your fate
You cannot escape my justice.

The Slasher's handiwork, of course. She is after Gabrielle and not too clear or interested in who is working for or against her.

They head downstairs into the darkened cellar, and arrows fly out of the darkness. A fight ensues with the remaining guards, which leaves the party battered and bloody. They open a door that seemed to be what they were guarding, and find a trashed wine cellar holding Gabrielle. She seems to have snapped. She rambles incoherently, saying things like, "Who are you? You're not Mother!", "I just wanted a child, is that so wrong?", and "He took me to Falkovnia! He cannot do that! He can NOT do that!"

As mentioned in Session 2, sometimes it's fun to play insane NPCs, especially when you can scream in your players faces. A note on this last bit of rambling. I wanted some "proof" that Malocchio was as dangerous as the vistani think he is. So I had him actually take Gabrielle to Falkovnia, using his teleport without error ability, which is so powerful it can even free a darklord like Gabrielle. Since she knows the limits of her curse, his casual disregard for that limitation, and the power inherent in the ability to do so, became the last straw that snapped her fragile mind. In Session 6, we will hear some of the repercussions of this trip, in the form of a devastating earthquake in Falkovnia, caused by the presence of two darklords warping the fabric of one domain.

Matton tries to comfort her, and she slaps him, saying, "I killed you once, Bakholis, I can kill you again!"

As mentioned in the module, in her insane state, Gabrielle can't tell werewolf from wolfwere, and is confusing Matton with Bakholis.
Duffy confronts Matton about being a wolfwere and asks if Gabrielle has any children. He says no, and Duffy reveals that they know about the incident 10 years ago with Gabrielle's gentleman caller. But he is baffled that they know, and tells them that it was only last year. Ludovic detects that Gabrielle is wearing magical bracelets and a magic scarf. For safety's sake, they try to take the bracelets away, but each person in turn finds that once they look into her eyes, they no longer want to do so.
dominate person. I didn't want her kerchief of disguise and bracelets of armor to fall into their hands.
Only Jerrard is unaffected, and decides not to chance it.

Soundtrack for Battle with Malocchio:
Castlevania Soundtrack - Final Toccata (Malocchio's Theme)
Terminator Soundtrack -Terminator Theme
Final Fantasy 7 - The Ultimate One Winged Angel Remix
Upstairs, they are confronted by Malocchio, who is suddenly all grown up, and accompanied by two giant wolves. The party enters the climactic battle, with Leif's wolf friend joining the fray. Malocchio teleports around the room, making it difficult for Leif to touch him with the lock. But eventually he succeeds, and the lock dissipates into misty chains, which bind Malocchio and then disappear. He doesn't seem to know what happened, but seems to have trouble teleporting after that.

In the midst of the battle, the Midnight Slasher arrives, and attacks Gabrielle, screaming, "For mother and father!" The Slasher's hat falls off and reveals the she is actually a young, crazed looking woman.

With her 2e stats as a guide, I statted out the Slasher as a Rog5.
Malocchio uses the Evil Eye to make Leif run in fear, saying he is too old to play with toys now, and if Leif wants to play he should go outside. Duffy tumbles across a dining table and slices Malocchio with Ezra's Mercy, who bleeds a black ichor and disappears in a puff of black smoke. As he does, Manfred Taige whispers to Ludovic, "hmm... now he is very promising."
More foreshadowing of Malocchio becoming exactly the leader of Invidia that Taige longs to see.

Matton shifts to half-wolf form and attacks the Slasher. Duffy stops him, as the Slasher tries to flee. Duffy goes to stop her(?), and Matton takes opportunity to charge her. They battle on the balcony above the cliff face, but it collapses, and they fall into the river below, fighting all the way down.

Before leaving, the party searches upstairs, where they find a spellbook and tarokka deck, in one of the only two furnished rooms. With Matton dead,

Or apparently dead.
they have no choice but to take the now catatonic Gabrielle back to vistani.

At the vistani camp, they Talk with Eva.

Again, I employed the tape recorder here to make sure nothing was missed. I was quite pleased with some of my cryptic answers, especially "No more than you are, and no less." The questions about Eva are deliberately misleading. Madame Eva is talking about the actual Eva Mordenheim, not the fictional Eva Stannum. At the time, I was using a fan-based theory that Eva Mordenheim became Merilee Markusa, but as of Legacy of the Blood, which was released much later, it turns out her story is a bit different, but still fits the answers here. And despite what Victor may be doomed to believe, the answer that Eva's mother is dead is closer to the truth. Note also the dodge I had to do with the Cynthia question. She "walks the earth" because I couldn't say she was alive.
She explains many things, and tells them that while Malocchio still lives, they have done a great deed today. She says, "Some say that good and evil balance each other. They are mistaken. Evil can be far more powerful. Evil can shape people, evil can shape history, evil can even shape the very land we walk on. A force that powerful can rarely be destroyed, so it must be contained, it must be imprisoned, and to a force that loves to spread, that is torment. Only the most vile people in the world are imprisoned so. We call them The Dark Lords. If they were unbound, allowed to roam the world, or even worse cooperate, ... It would bring a fate worse than can be imagined for us all."
The first time these characters have heard the term Darklord, although Tindal hinted at their existence back in Session 1. I'm a firm believer that the average citizen of Ravenloft can live their whole lives without discovering the concept of darklords, but for PCs, who are by definition not "average," a little knowledge on the subject is important, especially to understand the importance of an adventure like this or Feast of Goblyns. I felt that without this explanation from Eva, the ending would be unsatisfying.

Knowing where I was heading next, I wrote in my notes the line, "Things will be clearer once you have seen Juste's play." But I'm not sure if I remembered to say it during the game.

She tells them that Malocchio's abilities to travel vast distances are powerful enough to carry these Dark Lords out of their confinement. The lock binds him to the land of Invidia, so he cannot leave its borders, and thus cannot free these Dark Lords.

With gratitude, Eva gives Duffy and Leif their foul-tasting cure, which they cannot help but vomit up into buckets, which the vistani carry away.

Another little in-joke for myself. The vistani cure is a Corporeal Purgative from Van Richten's Arsenal. So when the vistani take the buckets away, I'm implying that they plan to give the Mummy Rot and Lycanthropy contained therein to someone else! (and the fact that the diseases didn't come back to Leif and Duffy implies that they did so!)
She gives Leif back his rock, telling him that it is enchanted to prevent pain when the word Belenus is spoken while touching it, although it does not prevent injury, only the pain the injury causes. It also can fortify the body against poison and disease by the same method.
As mentioned in the Session 2 commentary, the rock casts the anesthesia spell from Van Richten's Arsenal, along with a minor bonus to Fortitude saves when invoked. The intent was to let Leif off the hook for taking the rock. In doing so, he didn't cause his mother's death. Also an attempt to hint that Belenus is in fact a Good god, despite what may have happened in Southmoore.

Raul approaches the group and thanks them all for their help. Nikko is doing well, and Jerrard gives him Duffy's wind-up toy that he bartered for earlier. Raul especially thanks Leif, and offers to show his gratitude by making him giogoto, enlightened though not of The Blood.

I chose Leif for this honor based on his constant care and worry for Nikko. The others paid their fair share of attention, as befitting a helpless NPC that needed saving, but because of Leif's connection with his deceased infant brother, his player went above and beyond to portray a real close connection to Nikko.
Leif agrees, and Raul performs the ritual, cutting both their hands, allowing the blood to mingle, and miraculously healing the wounds. Leif is left with a thin pink scar across his palm, forever marking him friend of the vistani.

Monday, April 10th - Tuesday, April 11th, BC 730
Vulpwood, Invidia

In the morning, the vistani are gone without a trace. Back in Karina, the party rests up at the Clock's Tick for a few days. Jerrard tries to make some parts for Duffy, but time is short, so he gives him his silver shortsword instead. Leif names his new wolf companion Kukri.

Kukri's picture is a shameless theft of the Watchwolf card from Magic: The Gathering, with art by Kev Walker.

And so as the festival comes to a close, so too do many mysteries. But Tepest still awaits, as does Gustav's Darkon workshop, and the land of Nidala. And Vir and Cynthia both lie to the east, while Malocchio remains somewhere in Invidia, defeated, and not happy about it...

