Twilight's Children

Session 15, 12/08/06-12/10/06



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WARNING: The DM's Commentary contains spoilers for future sessions. However, all the spoilers in this particular commentary have been revealed ingame by Session 17. If you are one of the players, it is safe to read. If you are spoiler-sensitive, and have not yet read up to the Session 17 journal, please hide the commentary now. If you aren't a player and want the full spoiler-filled story, go to the Full Spoiler version.

Sunday, February 18th, BC 736
Stangengrad, Falkovnia

Soundtrack for Falkovnia:
Blind Guardian -Gandalf the Magician
Count of Monte Cristo Soundtrack - Betrayed
Conan the Barbarian Soundtrack - Anvil of Crom
After bidding farewell to Suriana, the party briefly considers using Ludovic's magic to explore the Tower of Horns, but they all agree to leave instead, eager to leave Falkovnia for good.
Way to scare the DM right out of the gate, guys. Recall from last session that the tower was just an offhand flavor reference. I have no idea what I would've done if Ludovic tried blinking in.
On the road out of Stangengrad, and all the way back to Darkon, they pass throngs of Falkovnians heading into the city. Duffy's finally succumbs to curiosity and asks a passerby where they are going.
For a group that usually questions everything, it took a surprisingly long time for them to show an interest in the arriving crowd.
He is informed that Census Day is coming up soon, on March 1st. On that day, each Falkovnian must return to his place of birth to be counted, judged, and informed how they will serve the state for the next three years. Census Eve is celebrated with family, a time when old oaths are renewed, prior to the judgment.
Census Day and Census Eve are from "A Year in Ravenloft," in the Book of Secrets.

Meanwhile, Ludovic has felt a slowly growing guilt about lying to the border guards, which has finally become so overpowering that he must say something. As they near the border checkpoint, he tells the others that he feels that they should turn themselves in and pay their weapon taxes.

The loyalty effect of the Talon bracers. After forgetting last time, I decided that they just took some time to settle in. Took the player aside and told him the situation, then let him play it out.
The others try to disuade him, but he is adamant, refusing to fly their weapons over the border the way he did on their way in. He assures them that it won't be a problem, and that if they just follow the law, as good guests of Falkovnia, the guards will understand. The others deduce that the Talon bracers he is wearing are holding some magical sway over him, but he refuses to let them break his thumbs and remove them, seeing no need.

Very wary, and ready for Kerri to talk them out of a lot of trouble, the group relents and submits themselves to the border guard. At first, the guards are very suspicious of the discrepancies between the party's papers and their belongings, including Duffy's attempt to re-attach his peacebond on Ezra's Mercy. But then, a guard spots Ludovic's bracers. Mistaking him for a Talon, he starts referring to him as "sir." He asks a few questions, which Ludovic answers honestly, trying to be a good Falkovnian guest, but the guard misinterprets them, assuming Ludovic to be a Talon in disguise, on a secret mission. He points to Ludovic's hawk-less forehead and asks, "Is it magic?" Truthfully, Ludovic replies, "No." Confused, the guard checks with his superior. As the others ready for battle, the guard and superior speak in hushed tones, finally apologizing to Ludovic for the delay and sending the group peacefully on their way.

I didn't want to make them Enemies of the State (yet), but I had to address the bracers somehow. So I put the screws to them a bit and scared them, but eventually just let them go. The border guards knew no one in their right mind would impersonate a Talon, and that Talon business outranked them completely. So, off you go, Talon Ludovic, and your friends with you...

Soundtrack for Creeana:
09 - Prophecy Theme
Thomas Gowan - True Dungeon, Gen Con '06 - Track 2
Braveheart Soundtrack - Attack On Murron
Their trip back to Creeana is uneventful. However, once they reach the town, near dusk, they see it is abandoned. Everything seems to be old, very old, as though somehow the buildings and stonework have sat here for decades, despite the fact that it was a bustling border town when last they passed through, three days earlier.
My attempt to reconcile my second big "Oops!" from Session 14. Creeana was supposed to have always been a ghost-town like this, destroyed by the Whistling Fiend. I missed that detail when last they passed through. Hence, the old Brigadoon trick.
Ludovic feels despair and fear suffusing the place, and instinctively casts some protective warding spells on the party.
Ethereal Empathy
At first, they are worried that they might have jumped forward in time again, like their sojourn in Juste's theater. Another theory is that the Darkonian belief that the dead would one day reclaim the land from the living has come to pass. But the group visits the cemetery and learns that nothing has been buried there since 580. Duffy, exclaims, "But that's over a century ago, back before the First Schism!" He explains to Ludovic that this Schism was when Bastion Wachter left the church to write the second book of Ezra.
I've pushed all the Church of Ezra backstory a hundred years earlier in my timeline to give it a bit of time to brew, so the First Schism was in 598, not 698. The town's destruction has nothing to do with the Schism, of course. The player just asked if he knew of any famous event that may have occurred around 580, and after quickly consulting my personal timeline, that was the closest one.
Strangely enough, their locked locker of belongings in Sivvy's safe deposit is undisturbed, although the building itself is crumbling and covered in cobwebs.
When they passed though last time, they interacted with the ghosts of the original town. The ghost of Sivvy dutifully locked up their items for them before disappearing for the next decade or whatever.
They are reassured a bit by the fact that their belongings are not as decayed as the town. But Kerri proposes a more disturbing theory: perhaps they never truly left Juste's play. Unable to settle the matter, they collect their possessions and bed down for the night in the woods outside of town.

Monday, February 19th, BC 736
Creeana, Darkon

After a spooky yet uneventful evening, they awake outside the abandoned town. Leif is overwhelmed by the feeling of ancientness that this forest exudes. They are very concerned about what became of the town, or what may have happened to themselves, but after a bit more searching, they find no clues to the mystery, and decide to follow the main road back into Nartok. Hopefully, at least that town will be as they left it.

Soundtrack for Darkon traveling:
The Count of Monte Cristo Soundtrack - Training Montage
Record of Lodoss War Soundtrack - Elven Flute
Gladiator Soundtrack - Earth
Lee Blaske - Day's Surrender
Conan The Barbarian Soundtrack - Theology Civilization

On the road, Kukri smells someone up ahead. Ludovic flies ahead in bird form to check it out.

polymorph self
He reports back that he saw a thin halfling with a scraggly moustache, wearing a brace of pistols and leaning on a tree.
Galf Kloggin, wererat bandit from Requiem: The Grim Harvest and Ravenloft Gazetteer, vol II. Pic photoshopped from this pic by Talon Dunning: cropped to focus on my Galf and added the scraggly mustouche, which started as the end of his female friend's ponytail.
A heated discussion ensues as to what to do about this fellow. Duffy sees nothing to fear, while the others are very wary due to recent events. He asks, "Why are we suddenly afraid of talking to everyone?" To which Kerri responds, "Because suddenly we are in a play." Duffy counters, "Then we might as well play along." Leif brings up the possibility that he is a minion of Azalin, remembering the zombies that wanted to study Suriana.
Last Session.
Duffy asks Ludovic, "Does he look like he works for a necromancer?" Ludovic's uncertain "No" is enough for Duffy, and he rides boldly ahead to greet this fellow, while Leif and Kukri skirt around through the forest, and the others trial behind.

Soundtrack for meeting Galf:
Something called "Lordly Chakarrall" on a disc of mp3's I borrowed from a fellow DM. I don't think that's the actual name of the song.

Duffy hails the halfling once he is in view, but is greeted by a drawn pistol, as the halfling demands that they "stand and deliver" their valuables or their life.

The traditional demand of 18th century English Highwaymen. Galf isn't exactly the dashing antihero, though. I played him with a good deal of weaselly smarm and my best attempt at a cockney accent.
Soundtrack for fighting Galf:
Al DiMeola - The Wizard
Duffy tries to reason with the halfling, but he signals to unseen allies, and a hail of arrows from the treeline strikes Duffy, wounding him greatly. Duffy hops off his horse and takes cover, as Leif stumbles across one of the bandits in the woods and attacks. Kerri whips at the halfling from horseback, as others of his gang emerge from the forest. Just when they think the bandits will be easily subdued, they are surprised to see each of them transform into assorted, hulking lycanthropic shapes. Ludovic tests out a new spell, calling forth a noxious vapor from the surrounding shadows.
shadow conjuration imitating stinking cloud.
The halfling and his two of his werewolf archers are caught in the cloud and begin retching. Kerri informs Duffy that werebears don’t like cold iron, at least if the tale of the "Hideous Manbear of Kantora" is true.
Bardic Knowledge. Made up the name of the story on the fly.
As he loads his cold iron bullets, Leif dispatches the werewolf in the woods. Ludovic shifts into bear form and grapples with the werebear, while the others attack it. Together, they kill three of them, two wolflike and one bearlike.
A Ftr2/Rog1 Werebear and 2 Rog3 Werewolves.
The halfling himself flees into the woods, retching from the vapors.
I had statted up Galf as Rog5 Halfling Natural Wererat but due to repeated failed saves against the stinking cloud, they never even got to see him change into rat form, nor use the parthinian rapier (Ravenloft Campaign Setting) I gave him as a treasure-drop for Duffy.
Leif pursues, but the wiry halfling knows the terrain too well and escapes. Duffy leaves him a note, reminding him to repent from his ways and travel to the Church of Ezra. He also adds two more monster teeth to his collection: werewolf and werebear, and collects some gold from the creatures' purses, as well as their bows, to sell. As Ludovic's cloud dissipates, he feels a strange sensation, as though someone is knocking. With mental effort, he strains against the feeling and doesn't allow whatever it is to come in. Kerri remembers seeing wanted posters on their way south, and checking one along the way, they confirm that the halfling matches the sketch of Galf Kloggin, the wanted bandit.

Early that evening, they near the fortress-like Nartok, and spot a farmer working his fields. They ask him what the date is, to eliminate the time travel hypothesis, and he confirms that it's the day and year they expect. They ask him what happened to Creeana, and he tells them it was destroyed years ago by a stranger known only as the Whistling Fiend, but Azalin took care of the problem, saving the rest of Darkon from the same fate.

A little propaganda.
He tells them that sometimes travelers see the ghosts of Creeana's townsfolk, but it seems that unlike most undead, they are harmless.

The farmer recommends the Veteran's Arms Inn, the same place they stayed on their way to Falkovnia, so they take his advice and arrange for rooms there, staying in town for three days to recuperate. Curious that they've seen no churches of Ezra in Darkon yet, Duffy asks a bit about the local religion. They learn that the state religion is the Eternal Order, whose priests try to placate the dead to prevent them from rising to take the land from the living. The church of Ezra has some following in Eastern Darkon, but it seems to be mistrusted in these parts for some reason. They also learn the folkloric history of Darkon, in which the spirit Darkonos stole the secret of Life from the hands of Death himself. And when Death slew him, the blood from Darkonos's wounds created the land of the living, carved from the Grey Realm of the Dead, who constantly seek to reclaim it.

Summarized from Ravenloft Gazetteer, vol II.

Tuesday, February 20th, BC 736
Nartok, Darkon

Leif takes a look through the marketplace and finds a small toy that he thinks little Nikko would like. He buys it, hoping to cross paths with the little boy again one day.

Nikko from The Evil Eye made quite an impression on big softie Leif.
Pushing through the crowded market, Leif bumps into Ludovic, who is oddly dressed in bright, flowing gypsy garb. When Leif asks him why he's dressed like that, he acts as though he doesn't know what Leif is talking about, nor even who Leif is. When Leif tries to get him to come back to the Inn to see the others, "Ludovic" runs, dodging through the bustling evening crowds, as Leif pursues, calling for him to wait. Leif corners him in an alley, but in a blink, his is simply gone, and Leif is left only with a slight headache.
You may recall that last session, Ludovic spoke with an old man in Rivalis, who claimed to have seen him a week prior, and answered the same question about his mother's death. So by now it should be clear that he wasn't just senile. There actually is another "Ludovic" roaming out there. More on this later this session, and again in Session 17.

To play out this scene, I took Ludovic's player aside and told him just the bare bones: "Leif is going to bump into someone who looks like Ludovic, but isn't. I want you to play that character temporarily. He's very guarded, so he won't give out any information, but he will try to get as much information as he can from Leif about the person he's been mistaken for." Then I let them play it out, and took over when I knew not-Ludovic would flee.

He also notices later that his coin pouch is seven gold skulls lighter.
Not an innocent little bump, after all. Not-Ludovic picked Leif's pocket.
Returning to the Inn, he sees Ludovic, back in his normal dark clothes, and tells him the story of the brightly dressed gypsy that looked exactly like him. Ludovic simply replies, "Leif, not all half-vistani look the same, you know."

Thursday, February 22nd, BC 736
Nartok, Darkon

In the evening, a messenger arrives, looking for "Nikko Warrenani and Doctor Carpatello".

Recall that these are aliases of Leif and Duffy, respectively.
When Leif and Duffy identify themselves, the messenger asks if there is a lady traveling with them, and when introduced to Kerri, he hands over to her a strange batch of notes. Four are sealed in a wrapped package. The other one is sealed separately and inside is flower in full bloom. Leif recognizes that it's a flower that doesn't bloom this time of year. The flower confirms that Suriana sent the notes,
Blossom Breath feat.
and the group quickly opens them to see what had to tell them, but for some reason couldn't say before they parted, four days ago.
As noted at the end of last session, Suriana's player wasn't with us for Session 15 and 16. But he thought quite a bit about what Suriana would do after discovering the changes in her journal, last session. He decided that while her first instinct would be to go home to Haven, she'd quickly realize that no one there could help her with this. That to find out what had happened to her when she contacted the Mists in the Soulstealer Dagger, she must learn all she could about the Mists. So she had to do some research, and the University of Il Aluk is the closest place to do so. After the encounter with the Voice of Azalin, she worries that it's not safe for her friends to be with her, but she feels she owes them some warning about the evil lurking in the Mists. So she sent these letters with a hidden message encoded within.
After a long scrutiny of the notes, they think they have figured out the secret message within them: "mist not safe, alive, evil careful."
Puzzle courtesy of Suriana's player. The trick is to take all the events listed in Duffy's note and count the number of days to those events, as hinted in Ludovic's note, starting from the day when Suriana left home, which is can be deduced from Kerri's note.

The events were: The day we met (day 72), When we met Edgar and Charlie (day 80), The day Kukri learned to guard (day 92), The day you left me in the mountains (day 100), The day you returned to the monestary (day 109), The day we departed from each other (123). Then you have to use the numbers to count words in "Nikko's" note to find the words of the solution.

The hint that Leif's message was important, despite no message being addressed to Leif, was supposed to indicate that there was a hidden message. The letter addressed to Nikko, a false identity invented as a cover for Leif, was supposed to indicate that it was a false message used as a cover for the real message. Leif, however, as a somewhat sheltered teen boy, first thought it was a real love letter, then felt used when he found out it was only a means to deliver a hidden message.

Suriana wrote each note in a different language that the recipient would know, to further obscure the hidden message. For extra fun I translated the notes into their respective real-world languages. Danish for Kerri's Vaasi note, Romanian for Duffy's Balok note, and a gibberish font for Ludovic's Draconic note. After giving them a few moments to puzzle at them while Leif read his Mordentish (English) note easily, I laughed and handed over the translations.

Duffy personally thinks the Soulstealer Dagger got to her, and they need to watch their backs if they meet up with her again. Worried about Suriana, Leif wonders where the messenger got the messages. But he is already gone. Leif tracks him down to the Season’s Turn, where says that a redheaded young girl gave them to him here in Nartok a few days ago, with descriptions of the group, and orders to give them to the lady traveling with Warrenani and Carpatello.

Friday, February 23rd, BC 736
Forest of Shadows, Darkon

Leaving Nartok, they head north to Il Aluk, stopping near evening at a roadside Inn near Rivalis. Inside, they are surprised to see two familiar faces; Dr. Van Richten and his band of associates, including Jerrard, are staying in the inn as well.

Soundtrack for Meeting with Dr. Van Richten:
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Soundtrack - The Penitent Man(Van Richten's Theme)
Lee Blaske - Last Romance
Happy to see a familiar face, Duffy approaches with an enthusiastic "Hi, Mr. Ritter!" Van Richten is very relieved to see them, having heard nothing of them since a glowing letter of thanks from Mrs. Tatenna, five years ago.
The lady they helped on Van Richten's behalf in Undyning Justice, Session 6.
Seeing Samuel is not with them, he fears the worst, but Kerri informs him that Samuel left them in Port-a-Lucine, likely headed to Mordentshire to look for him. She also hands him the Feast of Goblyns book to fill him in on their travels.
Remember that this book is the account of the original adventurers who went through that adventure, which our heroes later unwillingly recreated in Juste's theatre, Sessions 6-8.
Meanwhile, Jerrard steps out from behind the table to greet his friends with a hearty handshake, and it is only then that they notice that his left leg is missing from the knee down, replaced by a peg, and that he's lost two fingers on his left hand.
Knowing that I wanted to meet up with Dr. Van Richten again, and that Jerrard was last seen in his company, I cleared this cameo with Jerrard's player ahead of time. (Remember that Jerrard's player is also Samuel and Suriana's player, and hence wasn't with us. Between the appearance of Jerrard and Suriana's notes, I dubbed this "Joe-playing-remotely weekend.") I wanted to start showing the effects of Van Richten's curse, so I didn't want to let Jerrard go unscathed traveling with him for five years. So, I asked if he wouldn't mind letting Jerrard get a little maimed offscreen. Since he has mainly moved on to Suriana, and is unlikely to play Jerrard again, he agreed. In any case, since Jerrard is mainly a mounted knight, the peg leg and lost fingers on his shield arm won't bother him much. We decided the injuries were due to a were-crocodile attack in Sourange, but the PCs were too tactful to ask.

The doctor expresses his great relief that Samuel is well, especially given the rough times he and his friends have seen in the past five years. He tells them how his friend, Geddar Ironheart, the dwarf who ran the Traveler's Inn in Mordentshire, was killed, "Soon after you disappeared, a scoundrel died in Geddar’s common room with some stolen burial goods. Along with Bantu and Kevlin, we located the ancient tomb the dead man had raided, and the vengeful spirits of the place descended upon us. We succeeding in putting them to rest, but only after Geddar died in the attempt." During the tale, he gestures to Bantu, a handsome swashbuckler, and Kevlin, a cleric in blue robes, both members of his current entourage.

Geddar's death is described in Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts, as are Bantu and Kevlin. All we get about Bantu is that he's a talkative swashbuckler. Kevlin is described as a cleric with a silver trident holy symbol. Since no Ravenloft religion matches, I did some research and found the Greyhawk deity Procan, god of the seas, whose symbol is a trident. According to some online sources, they wear blue robes, so I gave him blue robes.

He also tells them of his assistant, Emil, a medical student who ran the herbalist shop for him when he was away. "He was intrigued by the subject of flesh golems, and sometimes accompanied me when I hunted those abominations. One night, we tracked a series of murders to the medical school Emil was attending, and discovered that a professor whom he had admired was actually a killer who was building a flesh golem. Worse, when we came face to face with the mad professor’s creation, its head was that of a close friend of Emil’s who had vanished some months back. Unable to handle the shock, he fled, and later perished when the deranged scientist’s lab was destroyed in flames during the ensuing battle."

Emil Bollenbach, whose tale is told in Chilling Tales, Children of the Night: The Created and Children of the Night: Vampires

And perhaps most tragically, he tells the tale of Shauten, "just last year, I was forced to slay a dear friend with my own hands: Shauten, a wizard who had always been a stalwart at my side against the creatures of darkness. He was seduced by the call of power. He chose to trade his soul for eternal life, or at least a mockery thereof. I nearly became the final blood sacrifice in his quest to become a loathsome creature known as a lich. Ironically, many years ago, Shauten was the one who first opened my eyes to the existence of such creatures, and in his more innocent days, was adamant that they be destroyed. In self-defense, I slew my friend..."

Story from Van Richten's Guide to the Lich.
This sad tale led into a discussion of the nature of the lich, "a wizard who, having attained all the power a mortal lifespan can afford, transforms himself into an undead. His body shrivels and dies, but remains animated by magic, and the wizard’s mind and spellcasting power remain intact. An object called a phylactery holds his spirit. The phylactery can take many forms, but is always protected by magic. A lich can never be truly killed until the phylactery is destroyed, otherwise, within a week, its spirit will animate a nearby body, which will eventually take on the appearance of the lich’s original rotted corpse."
This isn't news to most of the players, but their characters have no way of knowing it until now.

The party notices the similarities to the creature known as Severed Hand that they faced in the Lamordian mountains, and relates their experience to the doctor, hoping for more insight on the creature and what it was doing with the Soulstealer dagger. The doctor listens intently and tells them another tale,

Also distilled from Van Richten's Guide to the Lich.
"Many years ago, soon after I first learned of liches, a former classmate of mine, Dr. Harmon Ruscheider, became fascinated with the subject. He attempted to study and observe an Invidian lich, but his stealth was insufficient to hide from the lich’s keen observation for long. For reasons I cannot guess, the lich did not kill him, but captured him, and tortured him for seven months before he was able to escape. He came straight to see me, in the dark of night. The poor man was teetering on the brink of sanity, desperate to impart upon me the knowledge he’d gained before his faculties left him for good. Most of what I know of liches comes from his frantic ramblings of that night. When he had exhausted himself of both strength and information, with the sun emerging over the horizon, he died in my arms...

Of the many things I learned from Harmon that night, two seem relevant to your situation. One: though a lich is nearly immortal, it must perform what I have dubbed a power ritual, roughly once per century, to renew the arcane powers that sustain its magical existence. This ritual involves a human sacrifice, whose heart is burnt into a magical dust that must be sprinkled upon the lich’s body. Two: During his captivity, Dr. Ruscheider observed the creation of a creature that I have since heard called a vassalich. A wizard, seeking lichdom, but unable to complete the transformation himself, seeks the sponsorship of a full lich. The wizard undergoes a horrific ritual involving drinking the unholy ichor that flows in a lich’s veins. When it is complete, the resulting vassalich is weaker than a self-made lich, but similar in most aspects, including a phylactery that is always in the form of a flawless gemstone. The vassal is bound to his master, both mystically, and through a sort of blackmail. The master lich keeps the phylactery of his minion, as the ultimate leverage. If a vassalich were to somehow break free from its master, it would surely attempt to attain true lichdom. The ritual you interrupted seems too complicated for a power ritual, but perhaps the lich you faced was actually a vassalich, attempting to break the shackles that bind him to his master."

You are correct, sir! That Van Richten guy really knows his stuff.

At this point the party tries to surreptitiously mention Azalin Rex's involvement with Severed Hand. The doctor turns to a fiesty young lady, whose wounded arm is being mended by Kevlin, and says, "Antalya, some privacy please." Antalya obliges by casting what Ludovic recognizes as a privacy spell of the illusion school.

veil. Antalya is from the brief account of Van Richten's encounter with the Golem of the Fens in Van Richten's Guide to the Created. All we get about her is that she cast several fire spells. Based on that, I mentally based her character on Magic: The Gathering's spunky wisecracking female fire-mage Jaya Ballard. But she didn't get much interaction with the PCs, so that didn't really come out.
(Leif notices that Antalya and Van Richten's other friends call him Rudolph.) With the spell in place, the doctor continues, "I dare not go in to further detail here, but I have my own suspicions that Wizard-King Azalin is himself a lich. In any case, there is no doubt he is a powerful mage, and I strongly advise you to stay well clear of him and his minions. His spies can be anywhere, I will say no more."
The Doctor's suspicions of Azalin are revealed in Van Richten's Guide to the Lich, which he will be penning soon at this point in my campaign.

After sharing his woes with the group, he asks them further about their recent adventures. The group gives him a brief recap, even going so far as to show him the "skull-scratcher" and bizarre candle-hand found in Severed Hand's lair.

helm of quasimancer creation and three-fingered hand
Duffy is quite happy that they were able to avoid bringing up their old friend Vir, whose head remains safely in Duffy's satchel. Kerri also shows him the copy of Van Richten's Guide to Vampires that Samuel found, and asks him if he really wrote it. He confirms it, explaining that, "The 'near-miss' with Shauten reminded me that my death is just as inevitable as any other. When I am gone, evil will remain, and others will have to take up the battle. It occurred to me then, that I have accrued extremely specialized experience that too many others have died pursuing. I have started to record my collected knowledge, and that of my associates, in a series of guides, so that those who will follow will not stumble in ignorance as I once did... I have already published the guide to vampires that you've found. And I have just finished a guide to ghosts, which has been sent to the printer. I’ve been trying to find time to compile my notes for the next volume, but there are many that need my help now."

When the group informs the Doctor that they are headed to Viaki, to meet with Goodman Ramien, he is quite pleased with this unexpected bit of good news. The Doctor had received a letter, from an acquaintance in Viaki, requesting his help with a missing persons case. He had hoped to go himself, but he and his accomplices have been hunting "The Golem of the Fens" for several days now, leading to their current battered state.

Van Richten's encounter with the Golem of the Fens is mentioned in Van Richten's Guide to the Created.
A clay golem has been stalking the area just south of town in the fens between the lakes, but it eluded them. Several of them were greatly injured. Antalya, the mage, used her fire spells to make the creature brittle, allowing them to damage it, and a blow from Porren’s greatsword shattered it. (Van Richten points to a muscular swordsman in their group as he mentions Porren).
Porren is also from the Golem of the Fens encounter in Van Richten's Guide to the Created. All we get on him is "stalwart fighter" with a greatsword.
But when the clay began to soften and reform, they retreated to plan anew. They believe they are close to finding a way to destroy the creature, and are loathe to leave the job undone. So he asks Duffy, Kerri, Ludovic, and Leif if they wouldn't mind investigating while they are in Viaki. They agree, and he gives them the letter:

Constable Dunmore Throop takes his name from a sign on Interstate 81, showing the exit for the towns of Dunmore, PA and Throop, PA. Ever since I saw the sign several years ago, I've been waiting for a chance to use it as a character name. Apparently, I'm not the only one. A google search for "Dunmore Throop" turns up several like-minded people.

Suddenly, a sparrow slams into the inn's window, rattling the glass. Several of Van Richten's compatriots exclaim happily what seems to be a name, "Alannthir!" The sparrow has a broken wing, and when Antalya opens the window to let the bird in, Kerri quickly sets and heals the wing. The bird happily flies outside, and in the cover behind the inn, shifts into the form of a half-elf, clad in forest colored leathers, who walks around to the front door of the inn, and joins the group in the common room, thanking Kerri for her aid.

Alannthir, the druid, is described in Bleak House and Van Richten's Guide to the Lich.
Alannthir explains to his relieved friends how he narrowly escaped the Golem.

During the conversation, Duffy is intrigued when Kevlin, the healer among them speaks of a strange god, named Procan, who governs the oceans. He asks him a bit about his deity, but the odd man speaks of a third sea, in a land beyond the mists.

As mentioned earlier, I took Kevlin's holy symbol as a sign that he is an outlander. Here he talks of the seas of Oerth (Greyhawk), which I personally know very little about.
Before retiring for the evening, Kerri warns Van Richten about Cynthia, telling him the story of what became of Baron Metus and his bride. Van Richten is distraught to hear that his most hated enemy survived his vengeance, and that his failure to destroy the Baron caused such further hardship. He wishes that Cynthia had found him in Mordent all those years ago, so that he could have confronted her and Metus's spirit, saving others from the evil of the twisted couple, even if it meant his own death. He considers abandoning his public persona of Dr. Ritter, so that those who need him, and even those who wish him harm, can find him more easily.
A bit of character arc that I'd planned for Van Richten from the beginning, but that feels a little out of place now, due to timing. He's become this well-known monster hunter getting calls for help from all over, yet he's still using an alias? How do people find him? I'd thought this moment would've come earlier in the campaign, but never found the time for it until now.
Duffy cautions against this, since there is often safety in being someone else for a time. Although Van Richten agrees there is truth to Duffy's words, he adds, "But, is the cost of that safety too dear?"

The party heads to their rooms for the night and Leif orders a hot bath from the innkeeper.

Leif's baths for some reason seem to coincide with meeting available young women. Look out, Antalya!
Soundtrack for Ludovic's Dream:
Lee Blase - The Dream
Dark City Soundtrack - The Wall
That night, Ludovic dreams.
I'm sort of proud of this dream. I wanted to do three things here: 1) Establish the presence of the Nightmare Lands for future use. 2) Point out Ludovic's recent slip from idealist to pragmatist. 3) foreshadow the coming of The Thinker, Ludovic's double. (I suppose, since the timing worked out such that The Thinker showed up before the dream, it's more of an "aftershadow," actually.) I was happy to find a way to say "There are two Ludovics" and mean it in more ways than one. I did write up most of the dream ahead of time, but rather than simply read it as a cutscene, I paused to let Ludovic react periodically, even though there wasn't much effect he could have on the flow of the dream, which is pretty much how real dreams are. I let Duffy's player act out his part in the dream to further blur the old clichéd waking/still-dreaming confusion.
Duffy awakes to see Ludovic flailing in bed, screaming. When Duffy wakes him from his nightmare, a strange blob of gray fluid pours out of Ludovic’s head, and in a blur, resolves itself into a shape that is human-like, but completely featureless. Its skin is the color of ash, with the smoothness of liquid. The hint of many different shapes can be seen moving beneath its skin, as it races out the door. As Duffy and Ludovic pursue the entity, it extends its hand into the lock of Kerri and Leif's room, easily picking the lock with its semisolid pseudopods.
I know that personally, my most frightening nightmares involve someone or something menacing being in the room while I sleep. Part of a dream slipping through to reality and becoming something menacing in the room is almost too creepy for me to think about. When I've scared even myself, I know my job as Ravenloft DM is done.
With Leif watching on in groggy horror, it dives into the head of the peacefully sleeping Kerri. In Kerri's dream of a peaceful day at the shop back in Blackburn's Crossing, the gray humanoid flings forth from the wall. It looks around for a moment and then shifts shape into Kerri's grandmother. "Grandmother" tries to act normal, asking Kerri what's the matter, but the sheer wrongness of what she has just seen startles her into waking. The party quickly wakes Dr. Van Richten, who examines Ludovic and Kerri but finds nothing wrong with them. He tells them a bit about the land of dreams. He guesses that perhaps they somehow brought back a creature of that strange place. He recommends they seek his friend Dr. Gregorian Illhousen, of Nova Vaasa, an expert on such matters.
The expert, really. See The Nightmare Lands.

Saturday, February 24rd, BC 736
Roadside Inn, near Rivalis, Darkon

In the morning, they leave the Inn, bidding farewell to Dr. Van Richten and his group. Duffy promises to have a better ‘leg’ for Jerrard when they get back from Nidala. Van Richten gives them a manuscript copy of his soon to be published Guide to Ghosts.

Once again, I just handed over the actual book for them to read at their leisure. Ludovic's player found the tale of the "Loud Man of Lamordia" particularly amusing.
Kerri pulls the doctor aside and confides in him secretly that she thinks Azalin may still have her father captive.
Remember that Kerri always thought her father was dead. But the vision Ludovic saw through the harp showed that he was held prisoner at Avernus, at least for some time, and not, as she had been led to believe, killed in Mordent by the foreign men who came for him. (These men were Kargat, of course, Azalin's secret police.)
She is torn between continuing with her friends and striking off alone to free him. Van Richten cautions her that doing so would be a suicide mission. She knows that to be true, but she feels that she must try, no matter the odds, if there's a chance to save him. She just can't tell her friends, because she knows that they would either try to stop her, or else try to accompany her and face the same fate.

Sunday, February 25th, BC 736
Nartok, Darkon

They travel toward Viaki to help Constable Throop and meet with Goodman Ramien. They reach Il Aluk midday, but don't stay in the city for long. They take note of a few of the sights they pass by, among the cramped and narrow streets of Aluk Meridian (Old Il Aluk). Their path through the Old City takes them past the Temple of Eternal Penitence, the University grounds, and the riverfront port. Many of the beautiful stone buildings are marred by black scorch marks.

From the great fire of 617. All of this Il Aluk flavor is reverse-engineered from the Necropolis section of Gazetteer, vol II

Tuesday, February 27th, BC 736
The Boglands, Darkon

Nearing Viaki, they notice that the land is getting more boggy as the forest gives way to rolling hills and then wetlands. Around midday, they pass a spur in the road that leads north.

To the Brautslava Institute.
Soon afterwards, the town of Viaki sprawls out before them: miles of sod and thatch huts and small cottages built nearly up to the edge of the swamp, with larger, sturdier manor homes on the higher ground in the distance.
Viaki details from Ravenloft Gazetteer, vol II and Requiem: The Grim Harvest. Not wanting to deal with Glennis McFadden's influence on the events in Viaki, I decided that my Viaki has not had their trouble with Hags just yet.
Soundtrack for Viaki:
Nox Arcana - Ebonshire
Nox Arcana - Remnants
A Simple Plan Soundtrack - The Farm
Danzig - Black Aria - Conspiracy Dirge
On the outskirts of town, an old peasant woman starts to run happily toward the group, but as she nears, she looks directly at Duffy, and then sadly turns around. When questioned, she explains that she mistook Duffy for her son, Zevol, who is one of the townsfolk who disappeared. They promise to investigate after checking in with Constable Throop. She tells them Zevol's house is the last house on Cutter Street. They bid her farewell and head to the Constable Post in the center of town.

Soundtrack for the Constable Post:
Silence of the Lambs Soundtrack - Theme
There they meet Chief Constable Jinny Cingulo, who is helpful at first, but after a few moments she starts to stare oddly at Ludovic, then looks past him at the far wall, and then pulls a crossbow from beneath her counter and commands him to freeze! Ludovic tries to comply peacefully, claiming that it must be some mistake. As the Constable pulls on a bell to call for backup, the party notices that behind Ludovic's shoulder, on the wall at which Cingulo was staring is a wanted poster, with a sketch bearing an uncanny resemblance to Ludovic.

Ludovic protests that he isn't this "Thinker," and as proof, he doesn't have the tattoo mentioned in the description. As the other constables trickle in with weapons drawn, Chief Cingulo checks Ludovic's chest for the panther tattoo. Seeing none, she instructs him to wait as she brings out a locked box from a cabinet. She pulls an ornate wand from the box and points it at him, invoking a spell that Ludovic recognizes as a spell to cancel magical effects.

dispel magic. I gave Cingulo ranks in Use Magic Device to use it. No one ever expects UMD. Ludovic's player was convinced that she was a high-level wizard. In actuality, just an Exp12 with max UMD ranks. (She's a War12 in Gazetteer, vol II, but I figured it was close enough.)
Satisfied that he isn't hiding the tattoo with an illusion, the Chief calls off her men. They discuss "The Thinker" for a bit, but when both Ludovic and Cingulo are satisfied that each of them doesn't know much more about him than the other, she grants his request for a letter of protection marked with her seal to vouch for his innocence.

The group then asks for Constable Throop, but Cingulo sadly informs them that Throop died last week. While searching the swamps, his torch caught on some emanations from the marsh and he was killed in the explosion. Cingulo dismisses Throop's suspicions, saying that he was a good officer, but often saw patterns where there were none. She thinks the disappearances are simply the work of the creatures of the creatures of Stagnus Lake. They seem to have a preference for land-bound prey. The constables are always watchful, but sometimes the creatures are able to slip into the outskirts of town to feed and back out before they can catch them.

Seeing that the constables aren't going to help much, they leave to investigate on their own. The center of town apparently has many amusement houses set up to relieve travelers of their excess coin. Ludovic is curious about the so-called Vistani Tea House. Inside, he sees several women dressed as gypsies reading palms, gazing into crystals and the like. He tries to speak to them in patterna but their clueless response confirms that these fortune-tellers are no true vistani. As they start to leave, a wild-eyed woman emerges from a curtain at the rear of the room, pointing at the group, and shouting, "headless and helpless before the throne, a stolen death not your own!" The other "vistani" try to hush this woman, Isha, and pull her roughly into the room behind the curtain, apologizing profusely for the disturbance.

Isha Goldtree, the Lost Seer, from Gazetteer, vol II is the only true seer in this place, and predicts only the death of those who she meets. I'm aware that Isha's powers derive from a hinted encounter with Glennis, who hasn't shown up yet in my Viaki, but let's just assume she got them some other way. In any case, I was able to use her to throw in a bit of foreshadowing. Knowing that I was leading into From the Shadows, I knew that the PCs would "die" soon, as well as the exact manner of that death. Prophecy is easy when you really do know the future. :)

Leaving the tourist trap behind, they begin their investigation in the afternoon, by meeting Zevol's mother on Cutter St. From his wife, Ondyne, they learn that Zevol brought his sheep to graze in a field south-east of Viaki last week, and never returned. Ondyne found the flock wandering and brought them back herself. She shows them where she found the sheep and Leif finds some tracks that lead toward the northern part of town, where the wealthy locals live on the higher ground away from the swamp. Unfortunately, the tracks are trampled in the muddy streets and Leif can't pinpoint their destination. Back at Zevol's house, Ondyne's friend Reva bursts in, tearfully relating that her husband Karl, the woodsman, never came home last night after going to work the woods south of town. Gathering information around town, the group learns that in addition to Zevol last week and Karl last night, the disappearing townsfolk include:

It seems that everyone they speak with knows of someone who has gone missing in the last few weeks, so the full list is likely even longer.
OK, what's going on in Viaki? Well, it will mostly become clear by the end of the session, but Azalin is seeking test subjects for his experiment in headless time-travel at the beginning of From the Shadows. I really like that module, but I hate the "surprise, you're decapitated!" encounter with the Headless Horseman that starts the adventure. So I came up with this alternate introduction, which started as a quick encounter or two and spiraled out of control into a full-fledged prelude adventure. It didn't seem in character for Azalin to rely on the Horseman for victims when he has more convenient methods. So he's using the Kargat to harvest victims, and to kill two birds with one stone, they are targeting "troublemakers" of various sorts.

So I asked around online for some help on coming up with victims, and one humorous and helpful respondent on the boards suggested Colonel Mustard, Miss Scarlet, Mr. Green, and Professor Plum, with the stories above. I simply translated the names into Darkonese, a.k.a. Latin, and went with it. Each of them is a "troublemaker" in the eyes of the Kargat for various reasons. Colonel Brassica is well respected, and still has loyal followers from his days in the army; though he has no desire for power, he does have the means for an attempted coup, doomed to fail though it may be. On the other hand, Lady Vix is only fourth in line for the throne in her own mind of course, but though she doesn't have the power Colonel Brassica does, she does have the desire he lacks. While her schemes would be equally doomed to fail, the disruption they would cause would be no small annoyance. Viridis is only slightly more intelligent than your average thief, but the Kargat has no tolerance for any organized crime other than their own. Professor Salicina is actually the most dangerous of the group, since he has suspected Azalin's true nature. I never did come up with reasons for Zevol and Karl to be taken, but let's just say they were rabble-rousers or malcontents of some sort.

They stop at the Manticore's Tongue Inn to check in and drop off their baggage.
Inn name from Gaz II.
Leif notices a piece of paper fall from Kerri's bag, and without reading it, stuff it back in.
Kerri's player wrote out a note, showed it to me, and asked that it might accidentally fall out of her bag. It was a half-written goodbye letter to the group, telling them that she must leave and seek her father. As luck would have it, the only PC to make the Spot check to notice it was the only one likely to not be nosy enough to read it. (Remember Ludovic and Duffy with Suriana's journal?) So the note remained unseen by anyone other than the DM.

At the constable post, they learn that Constable Billius was out with Throop the night he died. They arrange to meet with Billius when he returns from patrol. Heading back to Karl’s house, they search his backyard, see his axe is still there. Reva finds it odd that he would go to the woods without his axe. But Duffy notices that the axe blade has flecks of blood on it, and Leif finds some tracks that lead behind the woodpile, where they find a huge puddle of dried blood. They keep Reva from seeing the blood and sadly tell her that her husband is likely dead, but they promise to find out who killed him and why. Leif suddenly has an idea and stops back at Zevol's to question the only eyewitnesses to his disappearance: the sheep.

speak with animals
They tell him that Zevol was killed by "a Lady in blaaaaaaack," and a big man, who "put him in a saaaaaaack."
I think I have a little too much fun playing animal NPCs. The Lady in Black is Tavelia, current leader of the Kargat, first seen in Bleak House, and later mentioned in Gazetteer, vol II. The big man is a dominated inmate of the local jail, the murderer Carnis Wert. Since the Kargat vampires can't operate in daylight, nor enter homes uninvited, they have "recruited" Carnis to do some of their dirty work, and dominated the Constables to ignore his periodic absences, and also stifle any inquiry into the missing persons. Throop was unusually lucky with his Will saves, and wouldn't play along, so he had to be silenced.

The next stop is Lady Vix’s manor house, where they question the butler, Varadan.

Wasn't expecting them to follow up on all the victims, so I had to think of a butler's name fast. I had been reading Joël Paquin's campaign journal recently and the name of one of his PCs was the first that popped into my mind.
Varadan tells them that a dark-haired lady in a dark dress came calling on Lady Vix, to invite her to Azalin's annual masquerade ball. He still has her calling card, which has only the name Tareen.
An on-the-spot alias. Didn't want to give away Tavelia's name yet, since they had heard it once before, in Valric's letter. Azalin's masquerade's are detailed in Tower of Doom, Gazetteer, vol II, and going all the way back to the Black Box Ravenloft Campaign Setting.
The next morning, when Varadan went to wake Lady Vix, she was gone.

Back at the inn, Ludovic sees strange swirling faces in the water, that no one else can see.

Ghostsight/Ethereal Empathy
He warns the others not to drink, and Kerri asks him if he's sure he's not hallucinating. Ludovic asks Taige if he sees the faces and Taige confirms it. When Ludovic tells Kerri this, she asks, "So you know you're not crazy because the voice in your head tells you he sees the same thing that no one else sees?" To be safe, they ask the innkeeper where he gets his water, and head out back to check the well. Kerri places a torch in the empty bucket and slowly lowers the light down. As the bucket reaches the waterline, a pale hand reaches up from the water, grabs the torch and snuffs it by pulling it under. Kerri and Ludovic are horrified and run screaming back to the safety of the inn. Duffy takes a scary water sample.
The creature in the well is a sea zombie from Denizens of Dread. Hauling up the zombie and defeating it would've been the first clue to the nature of the bad guys. He is a victim of one Kargat vampire's uncontrolled feeding. To remain unobtrusive, the Kargat are drinking shallowly from their dominated constables and prison inmates, but one vampire couldn't help himself and drank a passerby dry, dumping him in the well to cover up. The body has tell-tale fang marks on his neck.

Back inside, Duffy and Ludovic head to bed, but Leif stays in the common room with Kerri while she recovers. Leif overhears a conversation between two women, outside the window in the alleyway. A tall lady, dressed in black, is arguing with a short woman, perhaps a dwarf.

Cameo appearance by Beryl Silvertress, dwarven vampiress, Kargat leader of the Corvia and the Mountains of Misery.
Tavelia is one of my proudest photoshop creations. The only "official" picture of her is from her 1993 TSR Trading Card, and it was made long before anything was known about her character other than her being a vampire. (It says she's a 5th level illusionist, while in 1996's Bleak House, she's just a plain old mature vampire.) As such, it's a beautiful painting of a fairly ridiculously over-the-top Elvira clone, with cleavage down to her navel. Since Tavelia's cover identity is that of a demure priestess, I almost dumped the pic entirely and used a different one, but I took a crack at making her a bit more respectable, and I'm quite pleased with the result.
Beryl, on the other hand, hasn't even a semi-official picture, and pics of female dwarves are few and far between. (Talon's version in the Ravenloft Campaign Setting is far too attractive for Beryl.) I ended up going with Reveka, Wizard Savant, a Magic: The Gathering card. I darkened her robes and changed out the background to try to match Tavelia's. Magic buffs may wonder why I didn't use Irini Sengir, an honest-to-goodness female vampire dwarf. But really, can you tell that from her picture? Thought not.
Soundtrack for Tavelia and Beryl:
Midnight Syndicate - Darkness Descends
The short woman whispers fiercely, "Viaki is my territory, Tavelia, shouldn’t you be back in Martira Bay praying or something?"
A little nod to Tavelia's usual activities, posing as a priestess of the Overseer in Martira Bay.
The other replies, "Funny, Chole told me the same thing. But I assure you; I am here with the highest of authority.
Venrith Chole, the werewolf, is the Kargat leader in Karg and the northeast, seen in Gazetteer, vol II. Viaki isn't exactly within the purview of any of the three, so I threw in a little Kargat infighting for the PCs' viewing enjoyment. Chole is a ghost in Gazetteer, vol II, but at this point in my campaign, he's still alive.
You can ask the master yourself, if you dare. Besides, Lord Valric may be on assignment, but this is his town and he reports to me.
I gave Valric the title of Reeve of Varithne, a small town north of Viaki, mentioned in Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts. While his mortal guise only rules Varithne, for Kargat purposes, Viaki is his. At this point, word has not yet reached Tavelia of Valric's failure and death, so she still refers to him as "on assignment."
Mind your own tasks back in the Mountains, Beryl, and leave this one to the grown-ups." With that, the shorter woman turns in a huff and is seemingly swallowed by the ground. The taller woman strides off, smiling.
Dwarven vampires stonewalk rather than take gaseous form.
Leif runs out to chase her, but she is gone. Examining the cobblestone where the short woman disappeared, he sees nothing out of place. Returning inside, he relates the story to the others. Duffy thinks the taller woman out there was the one that the sheep were talking about, and the others agree.

Wednesday, February 28th, BC 736
Viaki, Darkon

In the morning, they show the inn's chef the hand in the well, and move into the Clearwater Inn, down the street. True to the Inn's name, there are no screaming faces in the water there.

A cute coincidence. The Inn name is from Gaz II.
The party stops at the Museum of Grotesques across from the inn. On the way in, they are surprised to bump into Professor Pacali. He apparently runs the Museum in addition to his job with the Carnival, and mentions that he was just dropping off some specimens.
Carnival mentions that Pacali has a home in Darkon, where he takes sabbaticals to acquire his Pickled Punks, and Gazetteer vol II mentions only that the museum has "pickled" exhibits. I don't know if it was a deliberate connection, but I went with it. I dropped him in to keep the memory of the Carnival a bit fresh, as I always hope to work them back in someday.
The professor is in a hurry to leave, to meet the rest of the Carnival in Nova Vaasa, but he passes them off to a tour guide for a full tour of the monstrosities found in the swamp. The tour includes a "werewolf head" with visible seams holding the fur together, and other dubious exhibits, including a few of Pacali's famous Pickled Punks. Kerri convinces the tour guide to give them a tour of the "offices," thinking that if there is any incriminating evidence, it would be there. But alas, the office is just a messy office.

With the news that Valric has connections in Viaki, they ask around and find that Reeve Valric keeps a manor house in town. They seal the old letter they found on Valric, just in case they need a reason to be there, and investigate. When no one answers the door, they sneak around back and break into Valric’s house. They find that the house is in disrepair, thick with dust and cobwebs. In a desk, they find that the latest correspondence to the Reeve is dated ten years ago. In the bedroom, they find an elaborate coffin, and just in case, they consecrate it with holy water.

They head to the residence of Baron Slean, where they interview the Baron himself.

The Baron is mentioned in Gaz II.
Baron Slean is an old man, and he says that he has had his followers searching for Colonel Brassica as well. He allows them to search the premises, and Leif is only able to find a strand of straw-colored hair and some large, worn footprints that might match those near Zevol's disappearance. Back at the Manticore's Tongue Inn, they see a group of Constables gathered around the well, where they have hauled up an undead creature and dispatched it.
The players were quite impressed with this. For once, local law enforcement that's rather competent. Combined with the "wizardry" of the Chief Constable, they thought the town was in pretty good hands.

They realize at this point that they have completely forgotten about their agreement with the Constable Billius, to meet for a tour of the bogs.

Soundtrack for the Bogs:
La Legende de Gaucelm - Prologue
Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV
They catch up with him, and go to bogs. But Billius can't find the exact spot where the explosion happened, only approximate. It seems like he's hiding something, but they can't seem to get any more out of him.
I had an encounter planned in the bogs with a shambling mound, but skipped it because we were running behind. Billius evasiveness is due to the fact that Throop's death was no accident. He was killed by the Kargat for looking too closely in the disappearances and became a test subject himself. The whole bog explosion story was a cover story implanted in the Constables via domination.

Thursday, March 1st, BC 736
Viaki, Darkon

Soundtrack for vampire encounter:
Midnight Syndicate - Darkness Descends
Midnight Syndicate - The 13th Hour
In the wee hours of the morning, Ludovic hears some commotion in the street, the sounds of a struggle. Duffy jumps out the window to check out what's going on, landing in a compost heap.
Always fun when a character leaps without looking first.
Ludovic goes to wake up the others, and they rush out the front door of the Inn and around to the alley in the back. Meanwhile Duffy creeps stealthily ahead and sees a strange man spreading some sort of goo from a jar on the severed neck and head of a dead man.
This goo is a magical ointment provided by Azalin to preserve the subjects.
As Duffy creeps closer, Leif is the first of the others on the scene. Though he tries to hide, the stranger spots him, looks into his eyes and says in a strange, distorted voice, "You see nothing."
a failed attempt to dominate Leif. I tried to imitate the distorted vocal effect you hear from time to time associated with mind control (See Heroes, Stargate or Dune, among others). Didn't work so well in person.
Leif replies, "You feel nothing," as he pummels the man with his staff. The man drains some of Leif's life-force with a touch before bounding away into the shadows. Duffy's new "flaming" gun succeeds in burning the man, while the actual metal of the bullet simply bounces off.
DR 20/+1, Fast Healing 5
He is also able to deflect one of Duffy's bullets with his hand, a very interesting ability.
Deflect Arrows
A fierce battle ensues, as the man springs in and out of the darkness, and dozens of rats emerge from all sides.
Gotta love vampires with Spring Attack. Solvan here was just a mature Vampire Ftr5 with some interesting feats.
Kerri shrieks, blasting the rats away with the power of her voice.
some highly effective sound bursts
During the battle, she glimpses fangs and alerts the group that the man is a vampire. Though severely weakened, they eventually manage to slay the creature, taking him by surprise before he is able to flee in gaseous form.
A cocky vampire who didn't know his limits.
After the standard staking and decapitation, they search the body and find no clues other than the jar of goo, and the fact that he wears no chains at all, which leads them to believe he is not from Darkon.
The Kargat wear no chains, to show that they are "unchained," bound to no one, save Azalin. I found out later that according to author John Mangrum, I was taking this a bit too literally. The intent of this passage in Gazetteer vol II was that the Kargat have no particular chain of office, not that they eschew all chains entirely. But I like my version better anyway.
However on the victim's body, they find a scrap of gray burlap clutched in his hand. Kukri indicates that the scent of the burlap leads toward the jail.

Before they can follow the trail further, a group of constables arrive. Caught "red-handed" with two decapitated bodies, they have to do some quick talking to avoid being arrested, but primarily tell the truth. The constables are skeptical that the foreign man is a vampire, but they are willing to test the theory. They ask the group to wait in the inn until sunup; if the vampire burns in the sun, they will be exonerated and thanked. If not, they are under arrest. In the morning, they wait for the constables to come but they never do. Venturing carefully out of the inn, they see that all evidence of the battle is gone from the alley: No blood, no bodies, no dead rats. Suspicion begins to pile up as they realize the "constables" last night never showed any badges or chains of office, and that none of the party recognized any of those individual constables from their previous encounters.

Fun idea, but these constables were in fact real. Just dominated like most of the others.

Soundtrack for meeting with Ramien:
The Usual Suspects - Main Theme
The group decides to go to see Goodman Ramien, whom the locals regard as an eccentric.
Ramien's pic is an intent-altering crop of Hallucinating Old Monk by John M. O'Connor. Amazing what The Stygian gets up to in his spare time, huh?
Ludovic knocks at the door, and Ramien first greets him, then unexpectedly greets Taige as well.
Remember that Ludovic's Haunted feat takes the form of the surly ghost, Manfred Taige.
Ramien invites everyone in, and acts as though Ludovic has come for an exorcism. Ludovic explains that he is actually there to learn about the Stygians, but would be happy to set Taige to rest if Ramien can help. Ramien explains that he is a sort of minister to the dead. His calling is to guide them across the River Styx to the hereafter. "We are a loose organization, if one can even call us that. Legends say we were once numerous, but now only a few remain. How appropriate that our society should become a ghost of its former self, eh? The Stygians were once divided into Attendants, Shepherds (leaders), and Seekers (hunters of malevolent ghosts). Now, I would be hard-pressed to name another of the order that still lives. I have not heard from any in many years."
Van Richten's Arsenal is very sketchy about the Stygians as an organization. Had to make up a few branches other than Attendant. (PrC's waiting to happen!) After coming all this way to see him, I figured Ludovic deserved at least a little more info than was in the book. But that's about as far as I got. Suggestions welcome!
Turning to the matter at hand, he goes to a shelf, with several flasks that rattle and shake as he nears.
Ghost Traps from Legacy of the Blood.
He explains that he keeps spirits safely in these jars until he can find a means to set them to rest. Leif asks what he does if the ghost requires some evil deed to set it to rest. Ramien explains that in that case, he keeps the spirit locked away indefinitely, and counsels the spirit, as one might counsel a living victim of madness, hoping to change the ghost's disposition to one that can more easily be accommodated. It seems sort of cruel to Duffy, to trap the ghosts like this, but some of them are pretty evil, so he supposes it's a necessary cruelty. An empty flask floats over to Ramien at a gesture, and Ludovic can see wisps of spirit holding it up in the air.
Poltergeist Hands feat, from Legacy of the Blood.
Ramien then tries to exorcise Taige, but the stubborn geist won't leave. Ramien explains that Ludovic is not simply possessed, but Haunted; he's stuck with Taige until he can be put to rest. Taige claims he won't rest until Invidia is under a strong ruler. Ramien tells them King Malocchio is still consolodating his rule, but Taige may get his wish soon, unfortunately for the Invidians.
I considered letting Taige get put to rest by this news, but decided he's too fun to let go of, at least until I can think of an even more annoying ghost to replace him with. (Wouldn't want that Haunted feat to become a wasted slot.)
Ludovic asks if he might come back and study with Ramien sometime and Ramien agrees.

The group heads to the constable post to get to the bottom of their suspicions. After accusing the head constable of being a vampire, Kerri looks into her mirror, and Constable Cingulo turns out to be normal. After apologizing for the mixup, they explain the evidence they have found that points to the constabulary being involved in some sort of vampire conspiracy to abduct and behead citizens of Viaki.

Don't you love when the truth sounds absolutely ridiculous?
Meanwhile, Kukri indicates that the scent from the alley victim leads to the rear door of the constable post, the entrance to the town jail.

Cingulo is not completely convinced, but allows them to check the inmates. They notice that all the inmates wear gray burlap. Kukri sniffs the trail all the way to the last cell, which contains a murderer, Carnis Wert. They are quick to notice and point out his straw-colored hair, and a missing piece torn from his clothes. Cingulo approaches the cell to interrogate Wert, as the group readies to attack him if he tries anything rash.

She was originally going to take him out of his cell to an interrogation room, but the PCs in unison said, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! We can talk to him here." They're too smart for me. The fight would've been much more fun if he were free first, especially if he managed to free some other convicts.
Just as they expected, he does, lashing out with a concealed garrotte, strangling the lady constable up against the bars of his cell.

Kerri knocks the wire out of the hands of the convict with her whip, and by the time the others are through with their prepared reactions, the man lies unconscious on the floor of his cell. They search him, and find that his boots are muddy, and caught in the sole is a small white flower which Leif's never seen before but Kerri recognizes as a wraithroot flower. She says that it glows in moonlight, and is mostly used to mark paths in cemeteries, though some people use it to brew as tea.

From Gazetteer, vol I.
They also find some bruises that they didn't make, including two prominent ones on his neck: a vampiric wound.

Constable Cingulo is shocked, and demands answers from her men as to why a prisoner who was supposed to be in jail has muddy shoes and a concealed weapon. She calls all the constables in the post in for inspection, one at a time, and several of them have the same bite marks on their neck. Each of the dominated constables is imprisoned by those deemed secure. Kerri volunteers to interrogate the constable who was on guard duty last night, brewing up some tea spiked with Forfaran catstongue root to make sure he answers truthfully.

This is the herbal truth serum I made up back in Session 4.
As expected, he is one of the constables with bitemarks on his neck. The guard reveals some very interesting details about last night. "The Mistress" came in while he was the only one on duty. "The Mistress" has black hair, and her name is Tavelia. She told him to let Wert free, so he could kill two people for her. Wert left with Tavelia and came back later, after leaving the bodies with her. Tavelia put the two heads in a sack.
Who's the second victim? There was only one in the alley. I'm not sure. I think at this point, I was considering killing off Goodman Ramien, but eventually decided against it.
She comes every few days to do the same thing.

Thankful for their help, and short-staffed due to the dominated constables, Constable Cingulo deputizes Duffy, Leif, Ludovic, and Kerri temporarily, giving them authority to find this Tavelia and stop her. They rouse Wert and interrogate him, but only find out that he's happy to get out and kill whenever Tavelia requires it, and that, as they suspected, he drops off the bodies near the cemetery.

By mid-afternoon, it's clear they need to check out the cemetery.

Soundtrack for the Cematery:
Midnight Syndicate - Family Secrets
Lorena McKennitt - Prospero's Speech
It is huge and ornate, on the north side of town, with wraithroot flowers lining the paths. When they enter, they see Ramien, bent over apparently nothing. Ludovic informs them that Ramien is looking at a very large ghostly owl, laying on the ground, seemingly dead. (More so than most ghosts.) Ramien explains that the creature is the "grim" of the cemetery, a Guardian spirit, set to protect an area from evil.
Originally from The Shadow Rift. I used the pic from Denizens of Dread. The vampires killed the Grim to avoid being attacked every time they enterred the cemetery.
"The spirit of the first creature buried in a new cemetery always becomes a Grim. Those who know this usually use a dog for the purpose, to spare any human from being trapped so. The Grim can take the form of a great dog, or an owl, each day it may change form once, and it is only visible when darkness falls. It is a powerful force of good. For something to kill it... a great evil must have happened here." Together, they help Ramien dig a grave for the creature, and he gently lowers it in, saying, "Be at peace, little one, you have served well."

Showcasing the Stygian ability, Touch the Other Side, Ramien can touch the ethereal grim.

While they were digging, they began to notice strange glowing lights on the graves. Ramien explains that they are gravelights, that they can be found anywhere in Darkon above the spot where a body is buried. The glow appears before a storm; in about six to twelve hours, a storm is coming. He also tells them that the vespillo, or undertaker, is a very prestigious position in Darkon, and that if anything unusual is going on at the cemetery, the vespillo should be informed.

Little details like gravelights and vespillos are why I love the Gazetteer series.
The group assures him that they will visit the undertaker personally as soon as they are finished here.

After the grim's funeral is complete, Ramien leaves to check his personal library to see what could have killed the grim. The others stay to search the graveyard.

Soundtrack for Graveyard battle:
The Undertaker's Ministry Theme - WWE
Verdi - Requiem Mass - Dies Irae
As they are searching, an undead creature emerges from the Kronus family crypt, casts a spell of some sort and then collapses.
A quasimancer. As mentioned in the Session 13 Commentary, I had this idea for using a quasimancer that they skipped in the Old Monastery, and I refused to let it go to waste.
The earth begins to rumble beneath their feet, and then a weird creature rises up out of the ground: a huge roughly human shape formed of dirt, bones, and shattered gravestones. The corpse that summoned it hangs limply, embedded in its bulk.
A grave elemental, from Denizens of Dread.
A fierce battle ensues, during which bony rotting limbs spring up and pull Leif into the ground, slowly sinking him into the earth.
The grave elemental's Sink ability.
He is buried up to his shoulders when the others finally destroy the monster.
One more round and Leif would've been underground.

I had to prepare for the contingency that Ramien might still be sticking around when the fighting started. My constraint was that he had to qualify for the Stygian Attendant PrC and be high enough in it to get the "Touch the Other Side" ability, yet not wipe the floor with the grave elemental and outshine the PCs. So I found myself with the somewhat amusing task of making the most useless (in battle) 11th level character I possibly could. In the end, I came up with: Cloistered Cleric 5/Stygian 6, with the Knowledge and Protection Domains, mediocre Wisdom, and heavy ago modifiers. His feats were primarily Roleplaying based (Ethereal Empathy, Ghost Sight, Poltergeist Hands, Jaded, and Courage), not one coming from the Player's Handbook. The one downfall is that despite all my handicapping, he still had a decent number of cleric spells which, even if I assumed he prepped the most useless ones, he could still swap out for healing. I was willing to live with that if it meant the PCs got to fight while Ramien played medic. As you can see, like most stuff I obsess about, it ended up not mattering at all. sigh...

They quickly dig Leif out and inspect the remains of the shattered Kronus crypt. It seems that three or four bodies are missing from the crypt. Looking over a steep ridge at the rear of the cemetery, they see that many of the graves are missing their gravelights. Clearly, not only the living citizens of Viaki are going missing.
Azalin's first experiments involved already dead victims. When that didn't work, he moved on to the living. In addition, several victims were publicly declared as dead, rather than simply disappearing. Instead of burying them, empty coffins were buried and the victims were shipped out to Azalin. I had planned an encounter where the PCs saw a wagon full of coffins leaving town. This was how the Kargat were shipping the bodies. The cover story was that an outbreak of Crimson Fever in Il Aluk had created a demand for coffins. Never ended up using that encounter, though.

Clearly, a visit the undertaker's manor house is in order. They reach the house near nightfall

Showing that I clearly worry too much about details, I thought that the PCs might wait until daylight to search the undertaker's manor, knowing that vampires were about. So I devised an elaborate scheme involving an advanced bastellus from Denizens of Dread, controlled via an amulet of bastellus control that would be commanded to use its sleep ability on intruders to keep them trapped until the sun went down and the vamps woke up. In the end, it didn't matter. After a couple days of searching the town, they were in no mood to sit around till morning. Once the clues piled up, straight to the manor house, without so much as a worried glance at the setting sun.
and are greeted by a tall, thin elven butler in a black suit, named Quarion.
I think the name came from the Everlasting Book of Names, or perhaps was inspired by the Magic: The Gathering card, Quirion Elves.
Soundtrack for the Undertaker's Manor:
Resident Evil - Scary Mansion Music
12 Monkeys - Final credits
At first he assumes they have come to report a death and offers his assistance, but they explain that they need to speak directly to vespillo. Quarion tells them the vespillo is not accepting visitors right now. He asks if they would care to leave a calling card, and they will be contacted later. When they insist that the matter is urgent, he invites them into the parlor to have a seat.
I used the Masterwork Maps: Chadwick Manor map from Printed it in color and cut out the rooms to reveal as needed.
He calls to another butler, Rurric the dwarf, and tells him they insist on seeing the vespillo.
Soundtrack for butler battle:
Van Helsing Soundtrack - Transylvania 1887
Rurric instantly understands the message, and the two butlers shift into the monstrous forms of a weresnake and werebadger and attack. Kukri attacks surprisingly well and takes down the snake almost single handedly.
According to the stats of the only canon weresnake in Ravenloft, Sheneya from Children of the Night: Werebeasts, instead of silver, werecobras are vulnerable to ivory, so I gave the weresnake Quarion DR 10/ivory. When Kukri bit him, I had to make an on-the-fly decision: are all teeth ivory? I wasn't sure, but I went with "yes," primarily because Kukri rarely gets to do damage when creatures with DR are around, so I was happy to give him a moment to shine.

Turns out, I was mostly right, according to Wikipedia: "The chemical structure of the teeth and tusks of mammals is the same regardless of the species of origin. The trade in certain teeth and tusks other than elephant is well established and widespread, therefore "ivory" can correctly be used to describe any mammalian teeth or tusks of commercial interest which is large enough to be carved or scrimshawed." Since I doubt the mystic forces that govern lycanthrope vulnerabilities care about the size or commercial interest of materials, for these purposes, even wolf teeth are ivory.

Rurric, the badger, bites Kerri and Ludovic before getting taken down.
Both Kerri and Lud failed their saves here, despite the lowered DC for not being dwarves. I really didn't want to deal with two PCs afflicted with the silliest-sounding strain of lycanthropy, so I was happy to assume that their impending death and resurrection for Azalin's experiment would kill off the disease.
Duffy takes teeth from both the half-snake and the half-badger. He also collects Quarion's rapier and its scabbard, which Ludovic says is magical.
Scabbard of keen edges.

Kerri thinks that the undertaker is dead, so when they insisted on seeing him, they attacked to silence them.

Half-right. The undertaker was killed and replaced with a new undertaker: Tavelia. When they insited on seeing her, who had asked to be undisturbed, they attacked to silence them.
They explore the manor and in an office, they find a letter to Officer Tavelia from Azalin Rex. The letter says that all the test subjects she has sent have proven too weak. The quality must be improved, and he is enclosing an enchanted gem to help her, which will glow green when directed at a subject whose lifeforce is strong enough to withstand the experiment.
As written in From the Shadows, each trip through time drains levels from the subjects. This is my best attempt to say in character: "get me more high-level subjects! These 1st level commoners are dying off too quickly."
They also note that all the extensive burial records end three weeks ago.
When vespillo Tavelia came to town and set up shop. She hasn't bothered keeping records for anyone who died of natural or accidental causes since then, nor actually burying them properly, simply dumping them in a mass grave at the back of the cemetery.
Since getting confirmation that Azalin is behind everything, Kerri has become increasingly angry and uncharacteristically bold, pressing forward, looking for someone, or something, to vent her anger upon. After long internal debate of whether to leave the group and find her father, she finally has a direct way of striking at Azalin, by putting an end to his evil scheme here and now, and she's not in the mood to waste time. In the next room, they find a closed casket. With weapons and stakes at the ready, they fling the coffin open and see Tavelia at rest, with her arms crossed. Kerri quickly and violently stakes her, but Ludovic points out that the body is radiating necromantic and illusion magic.
gentle repose and persistent image cast on a corpse. Ludovic still had detect magic active from checking out Duffy's new scabbard.
Looking more carefully, they are able to pierce the illusion, and see that it's not Tavelia at all. But to be safe, they decapitate the body, in case it's another vampire.

Having searched nearly the whole mansion, all that remains is a heavy iron door at the rear, which seems like it must lead to the undertaker's workshop. Kerri stalks over and hauls the door open...

And a cliffhanger ending. We had a bit more time left, but I stopped it here because I knew if I pressed on, there'd be no satisfying ending for a while. (See next session to find out why.) Bwahahaha....

